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Re: ARCHIVES Digest - 13 Jan 2002 to 14 Jan 2002 (#2002-15)

In a message dated 1/15/02 5:35:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, LISTSERV@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU writes:

I thought instead of the usual drivel on this list (which I myself
contribute to), today I could actually pass along something worthwhile.

Indeed it was, Mark. I'm very sorry you had to learn the lesson such a hard way; but I'm very thankful for sharing the hard lessons and advice. You know, when we hear people at SAA conferences presenting papers on various ER projects or whatever, we rarely hear about what went wrong, what the difficult lessons were, and what they would have done differently if they had it to do over again. Whether it is fear of embarrassment, worry about losing future funding on the project, or censoring from their organizations, I don't know. But your example shows how helpful someone else's mistakes can really be. Hopefully, the broader knowledge management lesson here will also be taken to heart when all of us walk up to the conference podium.  Thanks again.

Rick Barry