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Oh No! It's Friday Funnies Time!

All right folks.  Time to put out the horse and roll the kids up in a small ball and get ready for Friday Funnies!  So off to the kitchen and get yourself a big plate of groat clusters, slather them up with a big glob of clarified yak butter and come on in and sit down and get ready for another gut-wrenching episode of Friday Funnies.  This week's episode finds kindly, pear-shaped, avuncular Archivist Uncle Dick sitting around a cheery campfire of freshly subpoenaed financial records reminiscing with his highly dysfunctional staff about the old days.  As we tune in we hear him say "And in those days it came to pass...A records manager was in Japan to make a presentation to the Toyota motor people.  Needless to say this was an especially important deal, and it was imperative that he make the best possible presentation.  [If he lost the deal he might have to take a job with some company called ENRON.]  On the morning of the presentation he awoke to find himself passing gas, in large volumes, with the unpleasant characteristic of sounding like "Honda."  The man was beside himself.  Every few minutes "Honda," "Honda"....  Unable to stop this aberrant behavior, and in desperate need to terminate these odious and embarrassing emissions, he sought a physician's aid.
After a full examination the, the doctor told him that there was nothing inherently wrong with him and that he would just have to wait it out.  Being unwilling to accept this state of affairs he visited a second and then a third doctor, all of whom told him the same thing.  Finally, one medic suggested that he visit a dentist.  Well, although he could not see how a dentist was going to be of any help, he visited one anyway.  Lo and behold, the dentist said, "Ah, there's the problem."
"What is it?" the man asked.
"Why you have an abscess," said the dentist.
"An abscess.  How could an abscess be causing my problem?" asked the man.
"That's easy," replied the dentist.  "Why everyone knows....abscess makes the fart go Honda."

Well, let us bid Uncle Dick a fond good by until next week.  [Remember when you need Yak butter, you need Ali's.  Ali's clarified Yak butter in the forty gallon drums...available at your nearest caravan stop.]
Dick King, University of Arizona, Camel Management and Archives