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Austin American-Statesman 02/18/02
Your leader through the labyrinth
Can't find something in the maze of the Ransom Center? Don't worry, John=20
Kirkpatrick will know where it is

The Journal-Star 02/19/02
Dirksen Center broadens horizons
Facility will move from cramped library, may donate political mementos to=20

Green Bay News-Chronicle 02/19/02
It's a wreck
By Joe Knaapen
For The News-Chronicle
Until this month, June Larson could see shipwrecks only in photographs or as=
artifacts she measures in her job as assistant curator at the Door County=20
Maritime Museum.
For someone like Larson, who doesn't want to get her hair wet, the idea of=20
diving underwater to look at the remains of a historic ship was just that: a=
idea, a pipe dream.

Bangor Daily News 02/19/02
CD-ROM illuminates Maine history
Archivist=E2=80=99s collection of little-known facts available=20
AUGUSTA =E2=80=94 If you=E2=80=99re one of Maine=E2=80=99s great unwashed wh=
o suspect Gulf Hagas=20
could be the signature dish of Scotsmen temporarily assigned to military dut=
in Yemen, Jim Henderson wants to hear from you.

Washington Post 02/19/02
Post Magazine
This Week: Monumental Ambitions
With Paula Span
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002; 1 p.m. EST
Presidential libraries are part history and part hagiography, part archival=20
mother lode and part kitschy commerce. Mostly they are monuments to their=20
namesakes, from FDR to JFK to Ronald Reagan. And taxpayers fund them to the=20
tune of $55 million a year. So, are they worth it?

Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
The Treasures of the Ransom Center
A collection seen through a microscope
Five labs perform painstaking work of restoring and preserving treasures
By Michael Barnes
For Olivia Primanis, the chemical composition of pigment used for the=20
illustration of a 400-year-old book is not inconsequential.
In order to repair damage to a fragile volume, the Ransom Center conservator=
must first do a microscopic study of the remaining colorations. Once she has=
determined whether the pigment is water soluble, Primanis re-adheres the=20
dried-out pigment particles to each other and to the parchment.=20
Sometimes, however, she must discover the chemical constitution of each hue,=
so  Primanis re-creates the pigmentmaking process of the original illustrato=

Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
The Treasures of the Ransom Center
Opening up Harry Ransom's fortress
$14 million renovation promises to make the center more welcoming, easier fo=
people to use

Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
The Treasures of the Ransom Center
Center unboxes 175
greatest works for show
By Michael Barnes
American-Statesman Arts Writer
Tuesday, February 17, 2002
It takes only one visit. A stroll through the exhibit "From Gutenberg to Gon=
with the Wind: Treasures from the Ransom Center" argues better than any=20
newspaper article the global significance of the University of Texas' $1=20
billion cultural archives. Because the Ransom Center's home at Guadalupe and=
21st streets is under renovation, this show is set up at the LBJ Library and=
Museum through May 3. The 175 items on display represent just a sliver of th=
center's 30 million literary manuscripts, 1 million rare books, 5 million=20
photographs, 100,000 pieces of art and miscellaneous ephemera =E2=80=94 item=
s such as=20
desks, pens and paperweights that belonged to writers or artists.
Yet they are doozies.

KOMO 02/18/02
A Labor Of Love For Local History Buffs
By John Sharify
SEATTLE - It's like putting together pieces to a puzzle. Old photographs,=20
documents, and artifacts that can take your breath away.

Chicago Tribune 02/19/02
Basement trove of art
Mundelein High finds lithographs donated in 1979
By Robert Gutsche Jr
Special to the Tribune
When a Mundelein High School secretary stumbled across a forgotten art=20
collection that had been gathering dust in the basement for 23 years,=20
teachers were delighted, but now the school faces an unexpected dilemma.


The Times-Record 02/19/02
In Georgetown, historical society setting down roots
GEORGETOWN =E2=80=94 The Georgetown Historical Society plans to construct a=20=
home for itself on land donated by a former resident who now lives in=20


Washington Times 02/21/02
Bible on Web
By Ann Geracimos
First, movable type. Now, the electronic squeeze.
Thanks to the blessings of modern technology, the Gutenberg Bible =E2=80=94=20=
Western world's first large-size printed book =E2=80=94 soon will be availab=
le on=20
home computer screens, although in a much reduced size.
Slowly and painstakingly, Octavo, a company in Oakland, Calif., is creating=20=
state-of-the-art digital facsimile in partnership with the Library of=20
which owns one of three perfect copies in existence.

Orlando Sentinel 02/21/02
She fits pieces of past into a future
By Darryl E. Owens=20
The tall woman with a short Afro steals a peek at her watch. She's late. It'=
10:15. On her day off. No one is watching the clock.
Antiques stores open at 10. She's anxious to collect the rhythm and blues 45=
she placed on layaway a payday past. And she's planning to pan for more gold=


New York Times 02/23/02
Disaster Rewrites Museums' Guidebooks
What would the American Museum of Natural History do for Act II?
Three million visitors had already seen the Rose Center for Earth and Space'=
planetarium show =E2=80=94 a technically advanced five-billion-light- year t=
our of=20
the cosmos
launched from Central Park. After some debate (was the subject too aloof?),=20
the museum
decided that the next show had to be "The Search for Life: Are We Alone?"

New York Times 02/23/02
Challenging the History of a Slave Conspiracy
Among African-Americans, Denmark Vesey's plot to lead a slave rebellion in=20
Charleston, S.C., in 1822 has always been a symbol of black resistance to=20
oppression, proof that slaves did not docilely accept their fate. Along with=
slave rebellions like the Nat Turner uprising in 1831, the Vesey conspiracy=20
has been held up as proof that the spirits of blacks were not broken by=20
Had Vesey's plot succeeded, it would have been the largest slave rebellion i=
American history. But the conspiracy was thwarted by informers =E2=80=94 or=20=
historians have thought. Thirty-four slaves and Vesey, the one free black,=20
were hanged as a result of the charges, making it probably the biggest=20
execution ever in an American civilian judicial proceeding.

Finger Lakes Times 02/17/02
Photo book documents Finger Lakes aviator
KEUKA PARK - Charles R. Mitchell enjoys flying, though he is not an aviation=
buff. He is a photography buff, however, which led him to his latest project=
about flying.
Mitchell, 61, of Yoder Hill Road, has produced three books on local history=20
and is
working on his fourth. Most recently, he laid out a book on the Finger Lakes=
aviation pioneer, Glenn H. Curtiss.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va

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Courier New" LANG=3D"0">New York Times 02/18/02
<BR>Patent Models' Strange Odyssey
<BR>IN the 1870's, the United States Patent and Trademark Office was a big t=
<BR>attraction in Washington. Its Parthenon-inspired facade, along with the=20=
United States
<BR>Capitol, dominated the skyline. Inside, visitors roamed its grand galler=
ies, peering into glass cases that stretched from the floor midway to the 20=
-foot vaulted ceilings.
<BR>Austin American-Statesman 02/18/02
<BR>Center collected its share of controversies
<BR>From Austin and abroad, questions of authenticity, impropriety and unpai=
d bills grew with archives
<BR>By Michael Barnes
<BR>The University of Texas courted literary controversy long before Harry H=
untt Ransom planned a top-drawer cultural archive in 1957.
<BR>In 1918, the still-young university made its first big purchase of rare=20=
books =E2=80=94 the library of Chicago collector John Henry Wrenn. The hoard=
 was, by any standards, superb,
<BR>containing 6,000 first and rare editions, mostly by 17th- and 18th-centu=
ry English and American authors. Years later, it would serve as a foundation=
 for Ransom's Humanities
<BR>Research Center and its $1 billion collection of 40 million rare books,=20=
manuscripts, photographs and artworks.
<BR>Austin American-Statesman 02/18/02
<BR>Your leader through the labyrinth
<BR>Can't find something in the maze of the Ransom Center? Don't worry, John=
 Kirkpatrick will know where it is
<BR>The Journal-Star 02/19/02
<BR>Dirksen Center broadens horizons
<BR>Facility will move from cramped library, may donate political mementos t=
o museum
<BR>Green Bay News-Chronicle 02/19/02
<BR>It's a wreck
<BR>By Joe Knaapen
<BR>For The News-Chronicle
<BR>Until this month, June Larson could see shipwrecks only in photographs o=
r as artifacts she measures in her job as assistant curator at the Door Coun=
ty Maritime Museum.
<BR>For someone like Larson, who doesn't want to get her hair wet, the idea=20=
of diving underwater to look at the remains of a historic ship was just that=
: an idea, a pipe dream.
<BR>Bangor Daily News 02/19/02
<BR>CD-ROM illuminates Maine history
<BR>Archivist=E2=80=99s collection of little-known facts available=20
<BR>AUGUSTA =E2=80=94 If you=E2=80=99re one of Maine=E2=80=99s great unwashe=
d who suspect Gulf Hagas could be the signature dish of Scotsmen temporarily=
 assigned to military duty in Yemen, Jim Henderson wants to hear from you.
<BR>Washington Post 02/19/02
<BR>Post Magazine
<BR>This Week: Monumental Ambitions
<BR>With Paula Span
<BR>Washington Post Staff Writer
<BR>Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002; 1 p.m. EST
<BR>Presidential libraries are part history and part hagiography, part archi=
val mother lode and part kitschy commerce. Mostly they are monuments to thei=
r namesakes, from FDR to JFK to Ronald Reagan. And taxpayers fund them to th=
e tune of $55 million a year. So, are they worth it?
<BR>Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
<BR>The Treasures of the Ransom Center
<BR>A collection seen through a microscope
<BR>Five labs perform painstaking work of restoring and preserving treasures
<BR>By Michael Barnes
<BR>For Olivia Primanis, the chemical composition of pigment used for the il=
lustration of a 400-year-old book is not inconsequential.
<BR>In order to repair damage to a fragile volume, the Ransom Center conserv=
ator must first do a microscopic study of the remaining colorations. Once sh=
e has determined whether the pigment is water soluble, Primanis re-adheres t=
he dried-out pigment particles to each other and to the parchment.=20
<BR>Sometimes, however, she must discover the chemical constitution of each=20=
hue, so &nbsp;Primanis re-creates the pigmentmaking process of the original=20=
<BR>Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
<BR>The Treasures of the Ransom Center
<BR>Opening up Harry Ransom's fortress
<BR>$14 million renovation promises to make the center more welcoming, easie=
r for people to use
<BR>Austin American-Statesman 02/19/02
<BR>The Treasures of the Ransom Center
<BR>Center unboxes 175
<BR>greatest works for show
<BR>By Michael Barnes
<BR>American-Statesman Arts Writer
<BR>Tuesday, February 17, 2002
<BR>It takes only one visit. A stroll through the exhibit "From Gutenberg to=
 Gone with the Wind: Treasures from the Ransom Center" argues better than an=
y newspaper article the global significance of the University of Texas' $1 b=
illion cultural archives. Because the Ransom Center's home at Guadalupe and=20=
21st streets is under renovation, this show is set up at the LBJ Library and=
 Museum through May 3. The 175 items on display represent just a sliver of t=
he center's 30 million literary manuscripts, 1 million rare books, 5 million=
 photographs, 100,000 pieces of art and miscellaneous ephemera =E2=80=94 ite=
ms such as desks, pens and paperweights that belonged to writers or artists.
<BR>Yet they are doozies.
<BR>KOMO 02/18/02
<BR>A Labor Of Love For Local History Buffs
<BR>By John Sharify
<BR>SEATTLE - It's like putting together pieces to a puzzle. Old photographs=
, historic
<BR>documents, and artifacts that can take your breath away.
<BR>Chicago Tribune 02/19/02
<BR>Basement trove of art
<BR>Mundelein High finds lithographs donated in 1979
<BR>By Robert Gutsche Jr
<BR>Special to the Tribune
<BR>When a Mundelein High School secretary stumbled across a forgotten art c=
ollection that had been gathering dust in the basement for 23 years, teacher=
s were delighted, but now the school faces an unexpected dilemma.
<BR>The Times-Record 02/19/02
<BR>In Georgetown, historical society setting down roots
<BR>GEORGETOWN =E2=80=94 The Georgetown Historical Society plans to construc=
t a permanent home for itself on land donated by a former resident who now l=
ives in Massachusetts.
<BR>Washington Times 02/21/02
<BR>Bible on Web
<BR>By Ann Geracimos
<BR>First, movable type. Now, the electronic squeeze.
<BR>Thanks to the blessings of modern technology, the Gutenberg Bible =E2=
=80=94 the Western world's first large-size printed book =E2=80=94 soon will=
 be available on home computer screens, although in a much reduced size.
<BR>Slowly and painstakingly, Octavo, a company in Oakland, Calif., is creat=
ing a
<BR>state-of-the-art digital facsimile in partnership with the Library of Co=
<BR>which owns one of three perfect copies in existence.
<BR>Orlando Sentinel 02/21/02
<BR>She fits pieces of past into a future
<BR>By Darryl E. Owens=20
<BR>The tall woman with a short Afro steals a peek at her watch. She's late.=
 It's 10:15. On her day off. No one is watching the clock.
<BR>Antiques stores open at 10. She's anxious to collect the rhythm and blue=
s 45s she placed on layaway a payday past. And she's planning to pan for mor=
e gold.
<BR>New York Times 02/23/02
<BR>Disaster Rewrites Museums' Guidebooks
<BR>What would the American Museum of Natural History do for Act II?
<BR>Three million visitors had already seen the Rose Center for Earth and Sp=
ace's inaugural
<BR>planetarium show =E2=80=94 a technically advanced five-billion-light- ye=
ar tour of the cosmos
<BR>launched from Central Park. After some debate (was the subject too aloof=
?), the museum
<BR>decided that the next show had to be "The Search for Life: Are We Alone?=
<BR>New York Times 02/23/02
<BR>Challenging the History of a Slave Conspiracy
<BR>Among African-Americans, Denmark Vesey's plot to lead a slave rebellion=20=
in Charleston, S.C., in 1822 has always been a symbol of black resistance to=
 oppression, proof that slaves did not docilely accept their fate. Along wit=
h slave rebellions like the Nat Turner uprising in 1831, the Vesey conspirac=
y has been held up as proof that the spirits of blacks were not broken by ca=
<BR>Had Vesey's plot succeeded, it would have been the largest slave rebelli=
on in American history. But the conspiracy was thwarted by informers =E2=80=
=94 or so historians have thought. Thirty-four slaves and Vesey, the one fre=
e black, were hanged as a result of the charges, making it probably the bigg=
est execution ever in an American civilian judicial proceeding.
<BR>Finger Lakes Times 02/17/02
<BR>Photo book documents Finger Lakes aviator
<BR>KEUKA PARK - Charles R. Mitchell enjoys flying, though he is not an avia=
tion buff. He is a photography buff, however, which led him to his latest pr=
oject about flying.
<BR>Mitchell, 61, of Yoder Hill Road, has produced three books on local hist=
ory and is
<BR>working on his fourth. Most recently, he laid out a book on the Finger L=
akes' own
<BR>aviation pioneer, Glenn H. Curtiss.
<BR>Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
<BR>Richmond, Va</FONT></HTML>


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