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RAIN 0310 Weekly Update: Sunday culls (12)

NandoTimes 03/10/02
Technology: DataPlay - the next great storage format?
By JON HEALEY, Los Angeles Times
BOULDER, Colorado (March 9, 2002 11:32 p.m. EST) - Digital technology is built on an elegantly simple foundation, a universal language of ones and zeros. Yet when it comes to storing those ones and zeros, the electronics world is a mess of incompatible memory cards, sticks and disks.
DataPlay Inc., a start-up bred in a Rocky Mountain hotbed for datastorage engineers, hopes to lead consumers out of the chaos with a new, universal format.

Florida Times-Union 03/10/02
PUBLIC RECORDS: Friends, not foes
Public records are among the public's best friends. But they could be confused with
public enemies based on the record number of bills before the Legislature to close
or restrict public access to government records .

Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/10/02
Editors fight erosion of access

Miami Herald 03/10/02
Public records under attack
Legislators pushing for many exemptions
TALLAHASSEE - Citing potential terrorist threats to domestic security, a surge in identity theft and the increasing use of the Internet, state legislators have launched an unprecedented attempt to shield public records from prying eyes.

News-Press.com 03/10/02
Editorial: Preserve your rights
Florida Sunshine, open records laws strong, enemies many Florida is a leader in open
government, with a legal tradition stretching back almost a century, but legislators and special interests are gnawing away at that tradition every year.

Sun-Sentinel 03/10/02
120 bills would limit public’s access to records
By Bob Mahlburg
TALLAHASSEE -- Trying to establish credit to buy a car? Need to collect child support from your ex-spouse? Want to figure out how much that new house you’re eyeing would cost you in utility bills?
All that could become more difficult or impossible under measures Florida legislators are pushing this year to restrict public access to information kept by state and local government agencies.

Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/10/02
State's papers united to back Sunshine Law
Editor's note: Excerpts from editorials in some of today's papers follow.

Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/10/02
Sunshine Sunday
News-Journal editorial
Increasingly, public officials -- from Washington to Tallahassee to Volusia County -- are attempting to avoid or change laws that guarantee governments operate in the open.
More than 130 bills to limit access were introduced this year by Florida legislators. On Monday, as an example, a Senate committee will consider 14 bills that affect public-records laws, half of which are "shell bills," meaning the contents won't be known until they are amended into the legislation.
Led by the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors and the First Amendment Foundation,
today -- Sunshine Sunday -- newspapers across the state are focusing on preserving

Daytona Beach News-Journal 03/10/02
Florida's 'shocking' openness
There are some things that always amaze people when they move to Florida.
People are shocked that roaches grow to that size. People are shocked that it gets that hot in August. People are shocked that people dress like that out in public. And if we're talking about people who end up anywhere near government, they are shocked that they have to make those papers public and do everything in front of people.
Not like back home.

ABC News 03/10/02
Former squadron leader claims HMAS Sydney documents falsified
The Department of Defence says there is no evidence to suggest official records, relating to the sinking of HMAS Sydney off the north-west coast of Western Australia in 1941, are inaccurate.

New York Times 03/10/02
Keep the Malcolm X Papers Public
Malcolm Little (a.k.a. Detroit Red) entered prison as an illiterate drug hustler in 1946, but he emerged several years later as Malcolm X, a charismatic speaker and social critic who was soon to become one of the civil rights movement's most electrifying

Miami Herald 03/10/02
Weekend of document shredding at Andersen detailed
Lawyer's note may have started Enron accounting firm's cleanup
Knight Ridder News Service
Shannon Adlong, an executive assistant in Andersen LLP's Houston offices, discovered two bags of destroyed documents and the scattered remains of food near a shredding machine one Monday last October. She came to a quick conclusion: Someone had been busy during the weekend.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va