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RV: Catalan Archivists Seek Support

Catalan Archivists and Historians Seek Support

Historians and archivists from the universities of Catalonia,
chaired by Oxford gradute Mr. Antony Strubell (B. 1952),
have joined together to form the Dignity Commission
that aims to expose the fact that documents stolen by
Franco's army in 1939 have not been returned to their
rightful owners: the Catalan Government, University
Libraries, Trade Unions, political groups etc. The
Commission is looking for support among historians,
archivists and academics the world over.

We are pleased to be able to say that hundreds of
intellectuals, academics, historians and archivists
throughout the world, are bringing forward
their signatures in support for their colleagues in Catalonia,
Spain, for what has been described as "one of the last
great unrighted offences of fascist Europe
> The Case of the Salamanca Blood Papers

> Indeed, when Franco invaded Catalonia (1938-39 -as indeed
> happened in other Republican areas), the archives of the
> Government and all left wing organizations were taken
> as war spoil to Salamanca in central Spain. They were
> deposited there in a police-monitored depot and scoured for
> years in search of names and information. Tens of
> thousands of Catalan democrats were to suffer repression
> -death, confiscations, reprisals- on "evidence" produced
> in those documents.
> Were these documents given back once democracy
> returned in 1978? No they were not. And not only were they
> not handed back, but the Spanish Government has some
> unwholesome plans for them. They are to be used in a
> "show" during this year's Salamanca European Culture
> Capital celebrations, a gesture that adds insult to injury.

> Needless to say, neither the Catalan Government nor
> the organisations affected by the pillage have been
> consulted over this matter nor indeed has their
> acknowledgement been sought for it.
> What to do about this affront? As stated above, a
> Commission has recently been set up in Barcelona
> by archivists, historians and university staff etc.
> (called the Dignity Commission). The Commission
> seeks the support of people throughout the world
> -including your country-, in the quest for justice. Catalan
> historians and archivists want the documents that
> a fascist army stole to be handed back. We already
> have hundreds of names of professors, graduates
> and archivists from USA, Australasia and Europe.
> We would very much like your personal support.

Please send us your support to this address:

> <mmm@bezeroak.euskaltel.es>

> stating Name, Post Archives/Library/ University.
> We will be very grateful for this.  The DIGNITY COMMISSION.
> Antony Strubell MA Oxford, Coordinator