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Re: Liberry Skule

At 08:33 AM 3/13/02 -0600, Amy wrote:


I'd like to know what people say when trying to explain what archivists do. Everyone must have a pat speech put to memory that they drag out at the doctor's office or cocktail party. How do you explain in 20-50 words or less what you do?


OK, I'll bite.  Although I'm a records manager who works in an archives setting, not an archivist.  :-)

I like to tell people, "I make sure that the library computer on the starship 'Enterprise' won't be missing everything from the 1970's on."  My primary goal is to make 'em (as one of my high school students once said I was most cruelly demanding of him) "think, and everything!"

Art Dostie's colleague,

Nina M. Osier, Director
Division of Records Management Services
Maine State Archives