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RAIN 323 Weekly Update: Archives (14)

The Black World Today 3/15/02
The Challenge Of The Malcolm X Papers
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson
TBWT Contributor
Butterfields auction house cancelled its March 20 public sale of Malcolm X's papers
not because of a threatened lawsuit, a court injunction, fear of black wrath, or 11th
hour qualms about offending Malcolm X's family who opposed the sale. According to
a spokesperson I talked to at Butterfield's San Francisco office, where the auction
had originally been scheduled, the auction house stopped the sale solely on legal
and technical grounds.

Orlando Sentinel 3/19/02
Casselberry locker held clues to Malcolm X
By Lydia Polgreen
CASSELBERRY -- Locker No. 1614 in the Public Storage warehouse on a heavily
strip-malled stretch of State Road 436 seems an unlikely place to find a serious chunk
of civil-rights history.
Yet a trove of documents belonging to the late Malcolm X was found here -- the
largest collection of personal effects and journals to emerge since the firebrand civilrights leader was gunned down in a Harlem ballroom nearly 40 years ago.

Washington Post 3/20/02
A Bid to Preserve The Papers Of Malcolm X
Scuttled Auction Highlights Chaos in Leader's Estate
By Lynne Duke
NEW YORK -- To this day, Malcolm X remains one of America's most racially provocative icons.
New generations have tapped his significance. Popular culture has co-opted his
symbolism. Academics compete to decode him, to chart the trajectory his teachings
would have taken, and they search, even still, for clues to the lingering mysteries of
his 1965 murder.

Los Angeles Times 3/16/02
Release of Reagan Papers Expected to Attract Historians
Capping months of anticipation, archivists at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library released nearly 60,000 pages of presidential papers Friday, a move expected to draw a wave of scholars, researchers and historians to the mountaintop museum near Simi Valley.

Dallas Morning News 03/17/02
Alamo questions outnumber Alamo answers
Despite generations of investigation and research on the battle of the Alamo, there are still "riddles" connected to the battle.
Questions surround the events just before Santa Anna's troops arrived in San Antonio, how many troops were involved on both sides, and how many survivors there were. Then, to confuse things more, there's the report that supposedly came from one survivor, Rose, who fled the night before the final battle on March 6, 1836.

New York Times 3/18/02
They'll Always Have Paris (and a Scholarly Web Site)
Here's clicking at you, kid.
As the first step in an ambitious program to establish the Internet as a future forum for film study, the American Film Institute plans to collaborate with the Georgia Institute of Technology to create a scholarly Web site for the movie "Casablanca."
The site, which is still in the early stages of development, is meant to be a prototype for a virtual cineplex containing interactive academic studies of classic movies. Accessible through the institute's AFI.com site, the analysis of each film would then be digitally linked to pertinent scenes on a DVD in an online student's computer. With "Casablanca," for instance, clicking on "flashback" might show Humphrey Bogart's Rick and Ingrid Bergman's Ilsa cavorting in Paris.

Peoples' Daily 3/18/02
China Participated in World Expo in 1851: Latest Discovery
Chinese people once participated in the first World Exposition held in 1851 in London, the Shanhai Expo 2010 bidding committee and Shanghai Library discovered after careful studies on a batch of historical documents.

The Clarion-Ledger 3/18/02
Fishing lures hook educator
Prof started his antique tackle collection in 1980
Special to The Clarion-Ledger
John Muma can't resist the allure of an old lure.
While antique fishing tackle might not be in the same collectible vein as, say, priceless old armoires or restored Model-T Fords, it has its hooks in Muma.
The University of Southern Mississippi speech and hearing professor has even written a book about this uncommon collection, of which he has accumulated an estimated 800.

The National Business Review 3/18/02
Hobbs moves to strangle Web
Under the seemingly soporific terms of a new bill designed to broaden the acquisition authority of the National Library, Environment Minister Marian Hobbs has launched an initiative that could strangle the NZ world wide web with digital 'paperwork'.
The National Library Bill, introduced by Minister Hobbs last week, requires web publishers to provide the Library with continuously updated copies of their websites or face fines of $5,000.

The Daily Breeze 3/20/02
South Bay Yesterday: How building the breakwater was captured on film
Related: View the breakwater film
By Josh Grossberg
One by one, the men secure ropes around the giant boulders, raise them over the ocean with a crane and let them drop into the waters off San Pedro.

Siftings Herald 3/21/02
OBU becomes political archive for Ross and Dickey
By Jim Newsom
Long renown for its religious teachings and musical mastery, Ouachita Baptist
University is getting another feather in its cap.
A political one.
The Southern Baptist-sponsored university is quickly becoming a political archive.

Tuscaloosa News 3/22/02
Historian preserves memories of 1965
By Dana Beyerle
Montgomery Bureau Chief
MONTGOMERY | The long, hot summer of 1965 in Hale County is remembered for
the voter registration drive that brought the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to the area.
But those memories are fading, and many will never be captured firsthand because
participants have died.
Now, historical archivist Amicar Shabazz, with the help of people such as Theresa
Burroughs of Greensboro, is trying to preserve memories of the time for the Hale
County Civil Rights Museum.

New York Times 3/23/02
When Janie Came
Marching Home: Women
Fought in the Civil War
Lauren M. Cook had been participating in reenactments of famous Civil War battles for two years, and she took the hobby seriously. She spent thousands of dollars buying Civil War-period clothing. She taught herself how to play the fife, then memorized hundreds of Civil War tunes to play at battles. She bound her breasts under her uniform so no one would guess she was a woman. She even tried to adopt male mannerisms to aid her disguise. "I would always squint," she said. "Women's eyes are larger than men's, so they really give you away."

Washington Post 3/23/02
Face of History
The Hall-of-Achievers Debacle Hit Some Theoretical Nerves
By Philip Kennicott
Washington has evolved as a city of museums ringed by monuments, with the Smithsonian on the Mall, and the dead presidents arcing around on the Tidal Basin. Museums and monuments are fundamentally different kinds of institutions, one a place of exploration and discovery, the other a place of celebration and tribute.

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va