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RAIN 324 Weekly Update: Litigation-Audits (18)

Boston Globe 3/16/02
Can e-mail seal a sales deal?
Judge says yes, refuses to dismiss lawsuit claiming breach of contract
By Nikoletta Banushi
Buyers beware, and sellers, too – especially if you communicate with each other by email.
A pretrial decision by a judge in a dispute over a multimillion-dollar home in Marion
could end up making real estate deals outlined in e-mail as binding as those put on

The Korea Herald 3/19/02
Financial panel to take follow-up steps on 13 firms guilty of doctoring records
The Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) said yesterday that it would take stricter follow-up measures against the 13 domestic companies found to have falsified their accounting records.
"Those that fail to make the necessary corrections to their records will be reprimanded severely," one FSS official said.

Chicago Tribune 3/19/02
U.S. jury subpoenas city data on Duff firms

Chicago Sun-Times 3/19/02
Grand jury seeks city contract files

Washington Post 3/19/02
Justice Report Reveals Flaws in McVeigh Case
Review Suggests FBI 'Human Error' in Document Handling
by Paul Duggan
Human error and the FBI's outmoded information-management systems--not an attempt by the government to withhold evidence--led to FBI's failure to turn over thousands of pages of investigative records to Timothy McVeigh's defense lawyers in the Oklahoma City bombing case, the Justice Department said in a report today.

Los Angeles Times 3/20/02
FBI Unveils Reforms After McVeigh Audit
Government: The agency will change procedures and punish agents, its chief says. Lawmakers may seek more.

Washington Times 3/20/02
Internal probe rips FBI errors in failure on McVeigh records

Boston Globe 3/20/02
Reilly gets victims' names
Church records cover 50 years of alleged abuse
By Kevin Cullen
The Archdiocese of Boston yesterday gave state prosecutors four boxes of files
containing information about the victims of about 90 priests accused of sexually
abusing children over the last 50 years.

Boston Herald 3/20/02
Church delivers files to AG's office

News24.com 3/20/02
Swoop on National Library
Pretoria - Public Protector investigators on Wednesday swooped on the National Library of SA in Pretoria to seize documents linked to alleged improprieties at the institution.
This came after a preliminary probe into alleged nepotism at the library, misappropriation of funds and the misuse of assets, the office of Public Protector Selby Baqwa said in a statement.

Naples Daily News 3/21/02
State supboenas records of Tampa Bay dance studios
Associated Press
TALLAHASSEE — The state ordered two Tampa Bay area dance studios Wednesday to turn over records following a complaint from a 74- year-old widow that she was pressured into spending $257,000 in 18 days.

Associated Press 3/21/02
Casino May File Suit by E-mail
Thu Mar 21, 2:08 PM ET
LAS VEGAS - Lawyers can serve legal documents via e-mail, a federal appeals court decided in a groundbreaking ruling.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals (news - web sites) ruled Wednesday that a Las Vegas hotel-casino could e-mail legal documents to an offshore company with no physical address.

Cape Cod Times 3/21/02
Click the mouse and be subpoenaed
LAS VEGAS - Lawyers can serve legal documents via e-mail, a federal appeals court decided in a groundbreaking ruling.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a Las Vegas hotel-casino could e-mail legal documents to an offshore company with no physical address.

WIRED 3/21/02
Spam Showdown at Battle Creek
By Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. March 21, 2002 PST
WASHINGTON -- The small city of Battle Creek, Michigan, wants to lock up an anti-spam activist who it believes crashed its mail server.
Never mind that the town government was using a buggy version of the Lotus Domino e-mail server, and that newer releases have fixed the problem. And never mind that anti-spammers may have been conducting a routine scan for possible sources of bulk e-mail.
Battle Creek, a town of 54,000 best known as the headquarters of the Kellogg's cereal company, is on the warpath.
Robert Drewry, a Battle Creek detective, said on Wednesday he was hoping to file felony charges of computer intrusion against the person at the Orbz anti-spam service who contacted the Domino server, and caused e-mail to crash for 24 hours.
"If we can identify the person responsible, yes, we will prosecute," Drewry said.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution 3/22/02
Lawyer pleads guilty to forgery charge

Houston Chronicle 3/22/02
Yates a star on eBay
Documents linked to child killer go on auction block
As Andrea Pia Yates spends her second day in a Texas prison, the marketing of her name is well under way on the World Wide Web.
Copies of Yates-related documents began popping up on the internet auction site eBay March 15, the day a Harris County jury sentenced the Clear Lake mother to life in prison.

Washington Post 3/23/02
Senate Panel Says Enron Must Detail Policy Role
Subpoenas Shift Probe To White House Contacts

Washington Post 3/23/02
Lawyers for Lindh Seek Justice Department E-Mail
Defense Looking for Evidence of Coercion
by Brooke A. Masters
Lawyers for John Walker Lindh, the American captured with Taliban fighters, asked a federal judge yesterday for access to 33 e-mails sent among Justice Department officials about their client while he was in military custody in December.
Prosecutors secretly filed the e-mails with U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III this
month, using a court procedure that allows government lawyers to seek a private
judicial ruling on whether they have to turn over specific pieces of evidence to the

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va