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Actually we have one of our past presidents regalia in our collection and
is occasionally useful for displays.

Here ..... we often get these types of items.  I will make a note in
the inventory and file the academic hood in a seperate location.  I have
found that these make interesting display items.

At my undergraduate college, we our oldest alumn (Class of 1924) donated his
academic regalia to the college archives in 2000.  Apparently, the clothing
and jewelry were stored as a regular collection, simply wrapped in acid-free
paper and placed in Hollinger boxes.  This type of collection is very rare,
academic garb in general, especially from the 1900's-1950's is very rare,
and makes a very interesting addition to a collection, not to mention a
novelty.  Besides making a collection out of it, if there is a local
Historical Society near your institution, they might be interested in it as

Possibly, the local historical museum would be interested, or the historical
museum where her father was born/grew up.

Is your alumni office a possibility? I suspect our alumni office would also
accept such an offer - they have a wonderful collection of memorabilia which
they use for displays. Visiting alumni really enjoy them, and we all like to
keep our alumni happy.

Do you have an Alumni association on campus?  Our Alumni Association office
has their own little memorabilia collection that includes things like
letterman jackets, robes, etc.

Hi, depending on a variety of factors (when did he get his degree? for
example) you might offer it to his alma mater.

If the father wasn't an alumnus of your institution, then you have a
ready-made answer if the daughter asks why you're not interested.
Old academic regalia from your institution may have some artifactual value
for you, but regalia from other institutions does not.  If you feel you
need to offer an alternative, suggest that she offer the regalia to the
school(s) which awarded the father's degrees.

Do you have a Special Collections or museum that might be
interested?  Also, the department may wish to honor the professor by
encouraging a different faculty member to wear the robe on varying
occasions as an honor and in memory of the professor.  Also, the department
may know of a new faculty member that has not been able to afford to
purchase their own regalia who would be interested.  Just some thoughts.
It is very difficult to determine what to do with an item that is of such
personal value.  I am interested in hearing what solution you reach.

How about suggesting she give it to another faculty member in her father's
department? ......... Maybe a younger, but tenured, faculty member who is
likely to remain at your institution for the foreseeable future. The hood
may not be correct, but many people have their own hoods. A good quality
robe and cap are expensive to purchase, and the rentals add up, too. Someone
might be honored to have it.

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