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Event at Camden County Historical Society

Ed Cunningham to Reprise  His 'Workshop of the World' Documentary

CAMDEN, NJ -- In a special presentation at the Camden County Historical
Society, WHYY-TV host Ed Cunningham will screen 'Workshop of the World'
on Sunday, April 7, from 2-4 pm. The event also includes a special
appearance by Philip Scranton, board of governors professor of industry
and technology at Rutgers-Camden.

Originally produced by Cunningham, the one-hour special documentary
provides a panoramic history of industry throughout the
Philadelphia-Camden region.

"For 150 years we were one of the major industrial sites of the world
with thousands of factories, employing one-quarter of a million people,"
said Cunningham, who grew up when Philadelphia and Camden still called
themselves the
Workshop of the World. "Now, much of it is gone and I have always
wondered why."

According to Cunningham, the program is a gentle reminder of what the
Philadelphia and Camden area once was, as well as what it could again become.
Following the April 7 screening, he and Professor Scranton will be
available for a discussion period.

In its heyday, the region was carpeted with factories producing a
cornucopia of foods, clothing, building materials and transportation
systems. It was home to Baldwin Locomotives and Cramp's Shipyard; New York
Campbell Soup Company and RCA; Ortlieb's Brewery and Stetson Hats to
name just a few.

'Workshop of the World' examines the industries that supported and
shaped the region in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Generations of the same families worked in those industries and
contributed to the culture of community that grew up around the
factories. Interviews with many of those family members will spark
reminiscences for older Philadelphians and South Jersey residents, as well as
provide an eye-opening experience for younger generations largely unaware of
the Delaware Valley Region's former
industrial glory.

This special showing of 'Workshop of the World' is free to CCHS members;
general admission is $5. The program will take place in the Boyer
Auditorium at Society headquarters at Park Blvd. and Euclid Ave., just
behind Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center. For information, please call
(856) 964-3333 or visit CCHS's Web site at www.cchsnj.com to learn about
the Society and find detailed maps of its location.

John R. Seitter
Executive Director
Camden County Historical Society