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MAC in Minneapolis: We REALLY want you to come

Midwest Archives Conference spring meeting
Minneapolis, MN:  Radisson Hotel Metrodome, University of Minnesota campus
May 2-4, 2002

The Minneapolis Local Arrangements Committee is determined to leave no stone unturned (including some that have just re-emerged as the snow melts) in the effort to attract you to attend.

PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION.   Early registrants already know that Steve Granger, archivist at the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis,  pulled some strings to create a unique opportunity for MAC visitors.  The live Saturday night broadcasts of Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion" are always sold out months in advance (although a few rush seats may be available).  MAC members are invited to attend a 1:00 p.m. Saturday, May 4, dress rehearsal for the broadcast at the Fitzgerald Theater in downtown St. Paul.  Tickets are free, but advance registration is required.  Individuals who wish to attend are responsible for their own transportation (bus, taxi, car).  If interested, you must contact Steve Granger by Friday, April 12 at grangers@archspm.org.

HOTEL REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED.  The Radisson Hotel Metrodome has graciously extended the deadline for which they will guarantee rooms and honor the quoted conference rates from April 11 to April 18.  You may register by calling 1.800.333.3333 or use the hotel reservation link from the conference web site at http://www.midwestarchives.org

MAIL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY  APRIL 19.   That is received, folks, not postmarked.  There are tickets and name tags and what not to be printed.  After that date you'll need to register on-site and bring your calligraphy skills to produce your own eye-legible name tag.

There is at least one more incentive to attend yet to be announced.  Stay tuned ...