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Re: Digital voice recorders for oral history interviews

I am receiving quite a bit of feedback, so am responding to the list with some additional sources of additional information.  The price has dropped in half in the past few months.  As usual even Ebay has new, sealed packages at reduced prices.
A good website to get basic information on the Sony product is at http://www.theprogrammers.com/law-digitalrecorders.html#icdms515vtp.  No, I have not tried it.  Also, take a look at the transcribing software in the right hand column.
An explanation of the Dragon software is on the web at http://www.scansoft.com/naturallyspeaking/developers/
One of our professors has worked with the new Microsoft XP says it is quite impressive.  So why wouldn't a Sony VTP digital recorder work?  Frankly, I think it is worth exploring.
I noticed that Sony's product is running the Dragon version 5.0 and there is a new 6.0 version. 
 -----Original Message-----
From: Joy Kingsolver [mailto:jkingsolver@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 3:35 PM
To: Baird, Cathleen D
Subject: Re: Digital voice recorders for oral history interviews


We haven't started investigating this yet, but we're definitely

going to do so. For us it offers some exciting possibilities,

assuming the technology is able to do what it promises. Professional

transcribers around here charge $100 per hour of tape, and we

have to spend a lot of time making corrections, since the transcriber

is not familiar with the details of Chicago Jewish history. So I'm

very excited about what you're saying. Can you tell me who makes

this equipment & software? Have you been able to try it out?   

I'd be happy to exchange information as we investigate.

Thank you,

Joy Kingsolver

Chicago Jewish Archives  


As the clock struck 01:49 PM 5/7/02 -0500, Cathleen  took quill in hand and wrote:


Is anyone using or exploring the use of digital voice recorders for oral history interviews?

Explanation: There are now digital voice recorders that incorporate 'Dragon' voice-to-print software for under $250.00. You can download the OH interview to the computer -- you have both the digital voice, and you can save-to-print using a word processing program such as Microsoft word so that also gain a written transcript as well. I suspect it would need editing/ perhaps heavy editing, but you would not have to pay a transcriber....or use your limited time to perform that initial transcribing task.


Cathleen Baird, M.A., Director & Archivist  

 Hospitality Industry Archives

229 C.N. Hilton Hotel & College St., UH

Houston, TX 77204-3028

Tel: 713.743.2470 E-mail: CBaird@uh.edu
