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RAIN 0527 Weekend Update: ARCHIVES (25)

Hyde Park Townsman 5/16/02
New center to open Wallace Center at FDR site

The Morning Call 5/19/02
Book brings collection of Allentown photos down from the shelf
By Frank Whelan
As curator for the Raymond E. Holland Regional and Industrial History 
Collection, Carol Front must keep things organized. And row on row of gray, 
archival boxes containing
historical photos and other memorabilia show she has that covered.
But Holland, an Allentown businessman and president of the Lehigh County 
Historical Society, has also given Front another mission. "Ray believes that 
his collection is useless unless it is known and being used," she says. "He 
has said, 'You don't buy history to put it under the bed.'"

Washington Post 5/19/02
Douglas Pike, Vietnam War Historian, Dies

The Weekly Standard 5/20/02
A Historian and Her Source
The Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore puts an academic's book on hold.
by Beth Henary
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT an exclusive, 117-year-old private girls' school
would object to having its history written by a capable historian? For 
reasons that
remain obscure, the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore is blocking publication of 
a book
about the school that was originally written--with the school's 
cooperation--as a Ph.D.
dissertation at Tulane University. Professional historians are up in arms.

Harvard Crimson 5/20/02
Libraries To Unveil New Catalog on Web

Hartford Courant 5/20/02
Hooked On Women's Hoops History


Newsday 5/14/02
The Cradle Rocks
Fasten your seatbelts. On Monday, Long Island's Cradle of Aviation
Museum takes flight, adding an IMAX Theater, interactive displays
and human drama to its already impressive collection of aircraft

Washington Times 5/22/02
NEH halts backing for gun historian's grant

Bermuda Sun 5/22/02
Soaring demand for aviation film
By Don Burgess
THE MARYLAND Historical Society says a 20-minute film movie celebrating the 
inaugural flight of Pan Am’s Bermuda Clipper should be restored within nine 
months, and is “flabbergasted” at the number of people seeking a copy of the 

AP 5/22/02
Baltimore School Lifts Book Ban
BALTIMORE (AP) - After a protest from historians and other scholars, a
private girls school said it would lift a two-year publication ban on a social
history of the school.
In a letter faxed Tuesday to the author, Andrea D. Hamilton, the Bryn Mawr
School trustee board placed one condition on publication: a disclaimer that
the book is "not an official or sanctioned history."

Dayton Daily News 5/22/02
War stories come to life on public TV

Detroit News 5/22/02
Howell Library keeps archive
Historical data aids family tree search, tracing old homes
By Craig Sullivan / Special to The Detroit News
HOWELL -- Livingston County residents interested in their family history can 
visit an archive in the basement of the Howell Library.
About a dozen or so visit the archive each week. When they do, they're 
usually searching for information on one of two topics.
"Mainly it is either for family obituaries or for information about their 
houses. People want to know how old their houses are and who built them 
because they want to restore them," said Milton Charboneau, one of two 
full-time volunteers at the archive.

Chicago Tribune 5/22/02
Wire recordings revive voices from the past
Mary Schmich
If you've ever kept a message on your answering machine so that you can 
thrill to hearing it a ridiculous number of times, then you understand how a 
voice can keep the past present. You understand a voice's power to revive the 
dead, retrieve the lost, reincarnate the vanished, to repeat a moment that 
can never really come again.
And if you understand that, you'll understand Steve Gwost's odd passion.


New York Times 5/23/02
Garment District Past for Sale
The history of New York City's garment district is on display — or at least 
jumbled in a heap in a corner — at Simon Greenspan Hardware, on West 35th 
Street just east of Eighth Avenue.
Garter-belt clips? Got 'em. Button-making supplies? Got 'em. Hangers that 
predate plastic? Kerosene lamps? Window-screen patches? Parts for machines no 
one has used since the Hoover administration? The shelves are brimming, and 
you should see the basement.

Houston Press 5/23/02
Scene's From A City's Soul
Houston failed to preserve much of its heritage. Now the fight is on to 
protect the priceless photographic images of that vanishing past from the 
same fate.
By Richard Connelly
When Amy Braitsch thinks of Houston, she likely thinks of vinegar. And 
machine parts. And a black-and-white city of balloon-tired roadsters and 
crammed downtown sidewalks filled with people heading to the latest Clark 
Gable film.
And then she probably thinks of vinegar again.
Braitsch, a recent University of Texas graduate, spent much of last spring in 
a small room in Austin, tediously opening boxes and boxes filled with 
envelopes, envelopes that were filled with aging photographic negatives. 

Swift County Monitor 5/23/02
Book makes case for rethinking local history
By Nancy L. Torner
Center for Rural and Regional Studies
If for you local history amounts to little more than a long parade of 
irrelevant names, places and dates, or if it breeds nostalgia, Joseph A. 
Amato wants you to think again.
With a grant from the Minnesota Historical Society, the author and professor 
of history and rural and regional studies at Southwest State University in 
Marshall set out to write a local and regional history book that departed 
from the norm.

The Neshoba Democrat 5/23/02
Museum in shambles financially
Special to The Democrat
The Neshoba County Philadelphia Historical Museum is in dire need of 
financial support and could close without it, says the president of the board.
“It is to the point I am ready to close the doors,” said Mazine Winstead, 
the president of the board.

New York Times 5/23/02
Photographic Homes and Joke Captions
HOTOGRAPHY has met its pixel-perfect match in the Web. Photos — profound, 
profane or merely pretty — abound online. Never has the general public had 
such broad access to the photographic record, from historical images to news 
photos to microscopic "beershots." And did you hear the one about the funny 

The Owings Mills Times 5/22/02
Hallowed Walls
McDonogh School honors students who died serving their country

Lansing State Journal 5/24/02
State historical items on display today
Old constitutions and other artifacts mark history day
By Kirsten Buys