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The Bright Side

Awhile back I decided to stop calling Record Management the dark side rather it is the bright side. Why? As a records manager I am involved from the word "go" with an organizations records. I am the one determining what has archival/historical value. I am at the head of the dog, not the tail end.

To put it in historical perspective I started out in archives but moved to records management because I realized that I would have a greater impact upon organizational archives as a RM than I would as an archivist. Also there are many more job opportunities in RM than there are in Archives, and the salary is better. the only downside is the stress (as mentioned by CF). but boy am I learning a whole lot. In the past twenty years I have been involved in project management, budgeting, strategic planning, marketing, RFP reviews, presentations, research and much more.

Yes the archival world is nice. it is safe, it is secure, there is no danger (that I can see), but if you love a challenge why not join the Bright Side. I guarantee you will never have a dull moment.

Peter 'Yoda' Kurilecz