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RAIN 0630 Weekly Update: Technology (17)

Searcher June 2002
The U.S. Census Bureau in the 21st Century

AP 6/21/02
Web Thinkers Warn of Culture Clash

Wired 6/24/02
Danish Deep-Link Decision Due
By Farhad Manjoo
If everything goes well for the Danish news service Newsbooster this week, 
nothing will change: The Web will be the same freewheeling place it's always 
been, with everyone allowed to link to everyone else.
But if a Danish court decides that Newsbooster's "deep links" to newspaper 
sites violates the newspapers' intellectual property rights, the legal 
landscape of the Web could be dramatically altered, with sites in Europe and 
perhaps elsewhere getting new
leeway to dictate the terms under which other websites can link to them.

TechNews.com 6/24/02
More Than Movies
Befuddled by Broadband? Try a DVD

Salem Statesman-Journal 6/24/02
Company reduces medical paperwork

Chicago Tribune 6/24/02
Access granted
Picture passwords help users open the door to their computers


FCW 6/24/02
System keeps track of legal cases

Wired 6/26/02
Deep Linking's Legal Link on Hold
By Farhad Manjoo
After two days of hearings, a Danish court has delayed making a decision in a 
closely watched case that could determine the legality of "deep linking" in 
Denmark and other European Union countries.

The Age 6/27/02
Fear of Big Brother in Microsoft technology

New York Times 6/27/02