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Rain Update: Hartford Times

Hartford Courant 6/20/02
Old Clips To Get New Look
By NICOLE NEROULIAS, Courant Staff Writer
Hartford -- Responding to community outcry over the Hartford Public Library's disposal of clippings and photographic negatives from the Hartford Times last week,
head librarian Louise Blalock announced Wednesday that a new committee will review the maintenance of the former newspaper's archives.

Hartford Courant 6/22/02
Op-Ed: Don't Throw Away Old News We Can Use
Stephen B. Goddard
A newspaper is arguably as good or as bad as its morgue - the collection of news clippings, photographs and photo negatives that lets reporters infuse a story with depth. It's good to know that John Jones declared for governor today, but this fact is illuminated when you also know that he lost his last four electoral campaigns and was enmeshed in a drug scandal a decade ago. This is what a morgue tells you.

Hartford Courant 6/20/02
Letters: Save History, Not Space
I am appalled that about 25 bags of Hartford Times material were headed for the Dumpster [Connecticut, June 14, "History In A Dumpster"]. I strongly believe that The
Hartford Times archives, including news stories, photographs and other material, belong to the public.

Hartford Courant 6/17/02
History Discarded
If a museum curator wanted to cull a collection, presumably he or she would sell, donate or store the unwanted material, not throw it in a Dumpster.
Yet that's apparently what happened at the Hartford Public Library, which has been a cavalier caretaker of what amounts to 135 years of civic history.
Librarian Louise Blalock has been ordered by the library board to cease discarding archives from the defunct Hartford Times after at least 25 bags full of clippings and photographic negatives were found by Courant reporters in a Dumpster. The reporters retrieved about five bags, but the bulk of that material, entrusted to the library for its Hartford Collection, apparently has been sent on to the landfill. What a shame.

Hartford Courant 6/24/02
Collection Is In Good Hands
June 24, 2002
I'm afraid The Courant's coverage of the Hartford Public
Library and The Hartford Times archive has unfairly
represented an important asset in the city.

Hartford Courant 6/22/02
Archives Deserved To Be Held Intact
June 22, 2002
It was with disbelief and sorrow that I read of the dumping
of materials from The Hartford Times archives. It took 18
years to effect an agreement for the return of this valuable
resource to the city of Hartford.

Hartford Courant 6/19/02
Library's Archiving Efforts Deserve Praise
It was with great surprise and dismay that I read what is beginning to sound like a vendetta against the Hartford Public Library regarding disposal of Hartford Times materials [Connecticut, June 14, "History In A Dumpster"; Tom Condon column, June 16, "Times Clips Should Be Preserved"; editorial, June 17, "History Discarded"]. Although I have no involvement with the current controversy, my experience with the Hartford library's handling of the material could not have been more different.

Hartford Courant 6/16/02
Times Clips Should Be Preserved
by Tom Condon
Our library adventure started with a phone call on
The urgent voice said people were throwing out garbage
bags full of news clippings and photo negatives from The
Hartford Times. The bags were hauled out of the former
Times building at 10 Prospect St. , which is soon to be
demolished, saving the façade, for Adriaen's Landing.
I found it hard to believe. The Times' news library, or
morgue, is one of the great troves of Connecticut history.
What was going on?

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va