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RAIN 707 Weekly Update: Technology (13)

Computer World 6/10/02
More on steganography

Knowledge Management 6/22/02
Five reasons people don't tell what they know
Companies waste billions when employees and managers don't share their knowledge. But change means understanding why they don't share.

eWeek 6/24/02
Store More Pay Less Make Room for Data
By Anne Chen
Just because his IT budget isn't growing much these days doesn't mean that Kent Morrison's need for more storage capacity is slacking off. As much as Morrison, IT director at the city of Steamboat Springs, Colo., has tried to keep storage growth under control, the demand for primary and backup capacity is increasing by about 8 percent per year. Every year.

Computer World 6/24/02
Wireless Security

Wall Street Journal 6/25/02
More Health-Care Providers Offer Patient Records Online
As her father was slowly dying of liver disease, Carol Heppner agonized over his condition. But unlike most children who live far from their elderly parents, she also took an active role in his care.
Armed with a secret password, Ms. Heppner used the Internet to view portions of her father's electronic medical records at Geisinger Health Systems. She checked his lab results and medications. She ordered prescription refills and made appointments. The Marlton, N.J., resident was even able to forestall the possible onset of pneumonia after noticing unusual fluctuations in his temperature and alerting his doctor in Lake
Scranton, Pa.

Information Week 7/1/02
CIOs need to rethink their responsibilities as companies fight to restore investor confidence in financial reports

Government Computer News 7/1/02
Is DVD a wise archival option?
Maybe, feds say
By Patricia Daukantas
GCN Staff
“Most applications take data preservation for granted,” says National Institute of Standards and Technology researcher Oliver Slattery, and that’s why he is studying the interoperability and durability of DVD technology.
At the recent DVD 2002 conference in Gaithersburg, Md., Slattery and Richard Harada,
executive director of the High-Density Storage Association, described their joint effort to test DVD storage hardware, software and media.

CIO July 2002
Take the Pledge: The CIO's Code of Ethical Data Management
by Scott Berinato
ALL IT TOOK WAS one e-mail from an irate customer for Saab Cars USA CIO Jerry Rode to realize he had a developing public relations fiasco on his hands. In 1999, Norcross, Ga.-based Saab hired four Internet  marketing companies to send customers information
about Saab's new models. And although the auto company had specified that the program be opt-in (meaning it would e-mail only the people who had agreed to receive such mail), one of the marketing companies apparently had a different definition of opt-in. And that meant one ticked-off customer, with more potentially on the way.
Rode fired the errant marketing company and immediately developed a formal policy surrounding the use of customer data. "The customer doesn't see ad agencies and
contracted marketing firms. They see Saab USA spamming them," he says. "Finger-pointing after the fact won't make your customers feel better."

Federal Computer Week 7/1/02
A steppingstone to the paperless office
Midrange document scanners work well for offices trying to digitize paper records

CIO July 2002
Cool, Cheap and Dangerous
by Sarah D. Scalet
SOMETHING HAD BEEN bothering Peter Johnson ever since last November, when the announcement of security flaws in the standards used for wireless LANs boomeranged his wireless project for the U.S. Army back to the drawing board. It wasn't that the initiative was delayed several months while Johnson bought encryption technology. It was those ads in the Sunday newspaper fliers for cheap wireless LAN hardware on sale at your local electronics store.
"The average person buys it because they say, 'Hey, I can run my computers off of one network'" and one Internet connection, says Johnson, former CIO of the Army's Program Executive Office of Enterprise Information Systems in Fort Belvoir, Va. "The technology is great. It's inexpensive. But this technology that's being sold for a couple hundred dollars doesn't come with a big red sticker that says, 'Warning, this is really insecure.'"

Wall STreet Journal 7/3/02
America's Cornerstone Documents Get Touch Up -- and New Container
When in the course of human Events it becomes necessary to clean the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights,
and build new cases to house them, this Truth is self-evident -- it's no
easy task.
Fifty years ago, the three documents were encased in helium-filled
boxes made of lead and glass and put on display in the dimmed
rotunda of the National Archives in Washington. There, a million
visitors a year gawk at the fine handwriting that asserts a right to
pursue happiness, a claim on the blessings of liberty and a promise of
equal protection under the law.

Hartford Courant 7/4/02
`Migrating' Data To Avert Its Extinction
A few weeks ago, I wrote a column about the joys of scanning documents into my computer and then disposing of the paper.
That prompted one reader to caution that I shouldn't be so quick to celebrate the supposed advantages of digital documents.

ComputerWorld New Zealand 7/6/02
Property register goes online
"It worked perfectly"

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va