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And on and on it goes.


I have no intention of becoming the net-police and have no hope of
instilling order at this late date. However, after my latest
observation/query on listserv and archives response mechanisms. in addition
to the four out of office responses plus the archive list message
confirmation I was fascinated to receive:

<----------Auto Reply-----------
<enews@gcn.net.tw ªº¶l½cªÅ¶¡¤wº¡,±zªº«H¥ó(      Post script and small
apology )µLªk°e¹F!
<enews@gcn.net.tw's mailbox is full
<Please try again next time !
<Returned by MAILER-DAEMON@gcn.net.tw
<> ±H¥óªÌ: phirsch@nypl.org
<> ¦¬¥óªÌ: enews@gcn.net.tw
<> ¥D¦®  :      Post script and small apology
<> ±H¥ó¤é´Á:         Wed, 7 Aug 2002 10:50:24 -0400

I hate to make such a suggestion, but maybe enews@gcn.net.tw should be
unsubscribed since it is obviously not doing them or the list any good to
be receiving ARCHIVES mail, I was about to suggest sending them a
notification of this until I considered the absurdity and futility of doing

What next?

Peter Hirsch

New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
40 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, New York  10023
(212) 870-1728
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