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Email & Increased Research Requests

E-mail requests have certainly increased our reference load, but as a local
historical society which doesn't see all that much research traffic anyway,
for us this is a good thing.  I do have a guide to our collections on our
web page -- not real finding aids but a relatively simple overview -- which
does help to give people an idea, before they e-mail, of whether we have
what they're looking for or not.  And since we get so few researchers, I
don't mind doing phone or e-mail research (this does not apply to people who
send me five pages of their family history with a dozen names and twice as
many dates, and then at the end ask, "Do you have anything about this?").

Our administration has decided that the archives ought to bring in revenue
and so we've started charging an hourly fee for reference requests that take
over an hour.  These are relatively few and far between, however, as we've
got a pretty small collection.

--Eli Naeher
   Lower Cape Fear Historical Society

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