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Re: Release of Info on "Terminally Inconvenienced" Persons

Title: RE: Release of Info on "Terminally Inconvenienced" Persons

Well, Art, I hadn't made plans yetto the the next _Lord of the Rings_, but my daughter tells me my cinematic education is way behind anyway, so I'm not worrying about it just now.

and Dan, et al., for the CW papers, I will just note that I started reading a book review this morning (from H-SOUTH, but it had been crossposted from another H-NET list, I forget which), based heavily on papers and (court) records pulling together a significant amount of information (and interpretation) concerning medical care of African-Americans on antebellum plantation, most of whom I suspect are now -- what was it? -- "unviable?"

So what does this do to medical history as a discipline?  Make this all illegal?  Anyone want to tell the authors?

Just some passing thoughts from someone who's heard (how many times? and from how many archivists?" that the dead have no rights...

Holly Hodges