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This year a number of interesting discussion groups will be part
of the C&U meeting, including groups on anniversaries, hiring practices,
public v. private email messages, outreach, and digitization projects.
We hope you find these discussion groups informative and thought
provoking. The Steering Committee endorsed a number of session
proposals originating from C&U members that are part of this year's
program. Thank you all for participating in this way! With the
deadline for proposals for next year's program so close, now
is the time to consider a topic, network with other archivists at the
conference who have similar or contrasting experiences/opinions, and
propose a panel! The Steering Committee will again be available to
shepherd and endorse proposals that are well written and complete,
or to provide you with some suggestions to strengthen your proposal.

This is my last From the Chair column. Before I head to 'retirement'
I'd like to thank everyone, from committee members to colleagues
in the general membership who have made my tenure so enjoyable.
I appreciate the thoughtfulness you all bring to your organization,
and I look forward to continuing to see good things happen in the
C&U section in the future.

At the Annual Meeting we will be electing a new chair to guide
the section for the next two years. We have two qualified
candidates on tap who are willing to lead the section. They
decided to give back to the section some of the influence it had on
their own professional careers. They are willing to give their
time to improve the opportunities we all have to be an active
part of this organization. If you have an interest in serving on
working committees, the Steering Committee, or running for office,
please do not hesitate to express that to a Steering Committee member.

Remember, the organization is only as good as its membership.
On to Birmingham!

Nanci A. Young, Chair
C&U Archives Section

Study-Discussion Groups Planned for Birmingham
It's annual meeting time and that means  study-discussion groups!
Five sessions are planned for this year's meeting; the topics and leaders
are below.

College & University Archive Outreach Survey: the Results
Leader: Tamar Chute, Ohio State University
Tamar Chute will briefly report on the results of the survey she
conducted of college and university archivists and their opinions
about outreach and basic services. The group will then discuss
the results and comment about these topics: what the participants
agree or disagree with, whether other issues about outreach should
be considered, if outreach and basic services overlap, what role the
Internet plays, and if a new definition of outreach is merited.

Value of Digitization Projects
Leader: Mark Martin, Special Collections & Archives,
Louisiana State University
What are the characteristics of a worth-while project? Is there
a genre of college/university materials that are best fit for
digitization projects? Directories? Group photos of graduating
classes? Other images? Course catalogs? Finding aids to record
groups? This discussion seeks to be an early conversation for
those who are on the verge of making decisions about what
to digitize.

Hiring Times Are A'Changin'?
Leader: Mott Linn, Special Collections and
Archives, Clark University
With the changing tide of the economy, managers may be pressured
to rewrite traditional  job descriptions and see candidates with
widely varied backgrounds apply for archival positions. What makes
a good candidate these days? Is it still a viable practice to retain
our traditional hiring practices? This discussion will focus on all
levels of staffing in the archives: from support through
professional staff, and in-between.

Is Anything New or Safe Under the Sun?:
Public vs. Private E-mail in an Academic Environment
Leader: Aaron Purcell, University Archives, University of
Tennessee at Knoxville
In our fast-paced world of digital communications, e-mail
has become an essential part of conducting business and living
life. Within a university or college setting, where professionals
are not measured by hours on a time-sheet, e-mail serves as a
constant bridge to students, scholars, colleagues, as well as
friends and family. This discussion group explores some of the
existing legal requirements for e-mail messages, important incidents
involving electronic privacy, and how different institutions are
handling this complex issue.

Anniversaries: Love 'em, Hate 'em, Use 'em to your advantage
Leader: Sara Fraser, Special Collections and Archives,
University of Houston
Anniversaries!! We all have them and want to celebrate them
in some fashion. Within the college/university environment, who
is responsible for these celebrations? What level of participation
is expected from the archives? What role can (or does) the archives
play? In this day of technology, what do we need to do to document
these events?

Candidates for Chair of C&U Section
At the Business Meeting in Birmingham, the Section membership will
elect a new Chair for the Section. We have two fine candidates this
year; their bios are below

Mott Linn, Clark University
I have been the Coordinator of Archives and Special Collections
at Clark University since 1998. I joined SAA in 1986 and earned
my certification in 1991. I have earned an Honors BA in history
at the University of Delaware, an MA in history at the University
of Wisconsin, and an MSIS from Drexel University.   I believe
that the C&U section provides the valuable functions of allowing
us to discuss issues of common interest and of communicating our
views to SAA. I would like to determine if there are ways to improve
how we accomplish these tasks, thereby making this section more
valuable to us than it already is. One way to facilitate how our
section works is to have more people help run it. My willingness
to serve as Chair is one step I am taking towards this goal; I
hope more of us will volunteer to help our section in some way.

Claude Zachary, University of Southern California
Claude Zachary is a native Southern Californian. I have a BA in
American Film and Literature from University of California Santa
Cruz, and a MLIS with a specialization in archival studies from
UCLA. I've been the University Archivist and Manuscripts Librarian
at the University of Southern California for the past four and a
half years and am currently serving my third year as Southern
Chair of the Education Committee of the Society of California
Archivists, and Secretary for the Los Angeles Chapter of the
American Society for Information Science & Technology; I'm past
Vice-Chair of the C&UA section and have been a member of SAA
since 1996.

I would like to see the C&UA section progress on the project
we began a few years ago, namely freshening up the bylaws of
the section, and I'm always interested in finding means to
encourage more interaction and exchange of ideas between our
members. These are fairly generic goals; I know from my
experience how difficult it is the find the time to become
actively involved with our national organization and maintain
contacts with fellow members across the country, or even
to answer questions from colleagues posted on the ARCHIVES
listserv. I would be happy to be of service and be responsive
to whatever energy we can arouse!

Minutes of the College & University Archives Section
Business Meeting
August 30, 2001, Washington DC

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Nanci Young
(Smith College) at 8:00am.

Young welcomed new and seasoned members of the C&U section
to Washington DC. She thanked outgoing Vice-Chair, Claude Zachary
(USC) for his work during the last year, especially on the
section newsletter, the Academic Archivist. Young also thanked
members of the Steering Committee for their work over the year, but
especially outgoing members Cecilia Hunter (Texas A&M-Kingsville),
Carole Prietto (Washington University at St. Louis), and Margaret
Merrick (University of Louisville). New members of the Steering
Committee, Sue-Lynne Stone (Western Kentucky University), Tom
Rosko (University of Kentucky), and Diane Shenk (University of
Washington, Seattle) were welcomed.

Committee Reports:
Claude Zachary reported on the status of the newsletter. He noted
that 3 issues were printed and distributed to the membership. Current
and old copies of the newsletter are now available on the C&U section
page of the SAA website. He implored the membership to send him
items of note/interest for inclusion in the newsletter.

Carole Prietto reported that a committee has been formed to revise
the publication, College and University Archives: Selected Readings
that was published in 1979. Carole, Chris Prom (University of
Illinois--Urbana), Ellen Swain (University of Illinois--Urbana) and
Claude Zachary form the core of the committee. The committee will
be working with the SAA publications office to bring this revision
to fruition.

William Maher (University of Illinois) reported that he and R.
Phillip Stone (Wofford College) reviewed the by-laws with an eye
to possible changes. He asked if there were any concerns/comments
from the audience. None were verbalized. Recommendations will
be made at the next annual meeting in Birmingham.

Jackie Esposito (Penn State) reported for the Nomination Committee.
It was once again difficult to find candidates to run for elected office,
and she encouraged the membership to consider running for election or
an appointment to the Steering Committee in the future. This year the
candidates for Vice-Chair are: Burt Altman (University of Florida) and
Carole Prietto.

Election of Officers:
The election of officers was held. The teller committee of Tom
Rosko and Andrea Goldstein (Harvard University) distributed, collected,
and counted ballots. They announced that the membership had voted
Carole Prietto as the new Vice Chair.

Various announcements were made at this time.
Small discussion groups were formed, and after a 30-minute period,
reports were made to the group as a whole. Discussion groups this
year included:

"Selling Records Management" facilitated by Jim Cross (Clemson University)
"Preserving Websites" facilitated by David McCartney, University of Iowa
"Special Mission Collections" facilitated by Arel Lucas, University of CA,
San Francisco
"Faculty Papers: Ours or Theirs" facilitated by Jackie Esposito, Penn
"Preserving Student Life" facilitated by Ellen Swain, University of

The Chair encouraged the submission of program proposals to the Steering
Committee for review. Young volunteered to be the point person.

The meeting was adjourned at 10am.

Respectfully submitted,
Nanci A. Young
Chair C&U Section

New Sports History Collections Available at the MU Archives

The Department of Special Collections and University Archives
at Marquette University recently completed two projects documenting
sports history.

A grant from Marquettes M-Club allowed the university archives
to prepare sub-master videotapes for a massive collection of 16mm
films, spanning 80 years of sports history at Marquette. The original
films have been cleaned and repaired, while the availability of the
new sub-masters will limit future use of the original films. The
collection includes men's basketball and football footage, spanning
from the 1920s to the late 1980s.  Because Marquette was not
a member of an athletic conference, more than 80 different
opponents are represented within the collection. The films are
one of the departments most popular collections, attracting the
attention of alumni, media outlets, and other academic archives.

The university archives has also completed arrangemend and description
of the Al McGuire Film and Video Collection. The 39-cubic foot collection
relates primarily to Al McGuire's second career in television
broadcasting, spanning the years 1979 through the 1990s. A large portion
of the collection consists of master videotape interviews with prominent
college basketball coaches and players. Highlights include Coach
McGuire's own radio interview the day he was hired by Marquette, and
15-minute half-time shows with Digger Phelps, John Thompson, Bob Knight,
Jim Valvano, Michael Jordan, and others. The collection also documents
McGuire's civic contributions, with reels of "Al's Run" for Children's

Not entirely basketball, other films include interviews with
Rick Mears (1982 Indy 500), Alberto Salazar (1982 Boston Marathon),
while others examine hockey, boardsailing, wrestling, and golf.

To access the on-line descriptive inventories for these collections,
then click on the Index to Collections, selecting B for Basketball
Films, F for Football Films, or "M" for McGuire Collection.

For additonal information please contact Matt Blessing at

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