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RAIN 826 Weekly Update: Archives (15)

Hampton Roads Daily Press 7/30/02
Museum's collections crucial to ID
Old photos may be clues to bones in USS Monitor

News & Record 8/12/02
Old book hints at Piedmont's immigrant life

Census website finally ready to roll
By Andy McCue
Better late than never
The 1901 census website, which contains searchable records for over 32 million people, is finally set to go back online after buckling under the initial demand.
Launched in January, the site was expecting to receive 1.2 million hits a day. It instead received more than one million hits an hour, and was unable to cope.

AP 8/18/02
Site to Archive 9/11 Communications
By Genaro C. Armas
Associated Press Writer
FAIRFAX, Va. –– After a long walk uptown to escape the unfolding disaster at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, Lisa Beaty made her way to a Manhattan office, sat down in front of a computer and e-mailed two words that friends and relatives were anxious to see: "I'm OK."
That message and hundreds of other e-mails, photographs and video images are part of a virtual library of the attacks being compiled by scholars in Virginia and New York.
The September 11th Digital Archive "will serve as a new platform in which people can make their own history," said Jim Sparrow, one of the organizers of the project, which is accessible online.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A32620-2002Aug18.html (

AP 8/18/02
Photo of Hoover stolen from Kendrick Mansion

zawya.com 8/18/02
UN envoy to visit Kuwait over return of looted properties from Iraq
KUWAIT CITY, Aug 17, 2002 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- A UN envoy in charge of facilitating the return of looted Kuwaiti national archives and properties from Iraq will arrive here on Sunday, Kuwait's official KUNA news agency reported.

The Mercury News 8/19/02
Recordings of Basque settlers being made available on Net

The Malta Independent 8/19/02
Families urged to preserve historical documents
Greta Borg Carbott
Valuable documents related to Malta’s past are being irretrievably lost, destroyed or sold for a pittance by families, the Friends of the National Archives has warned.
In one case, a set of 42 first edition books written by Dun Gorg Preca was recently discovered at a car boot sale priced at Lm6, alongside discarded government reports dating back to 1906. As well as an original photograph of the George Cross being awarded to the Maltese nation discovered at another sale, priced at only 50 cents.

Capital Journal 8/19/02
State archives: A home for priceless memories

The (Albany) Business Review 8/19/02
UAlbany acquires Alice Green papers
The state University at Albany has acquired writings and other records of Alice
Green, the founder and current executive director of the Center for Law and
Justice in Albany, N.Y.
The papers, which cover 1965 through 2001, document the career and history of
Green, a noted political activist and prison reform advocate. In 1998 she ran for
lieutenant governor as a Green party candidate. She also served as a member of
the Citizens Policy and Complaint Review Council of New York State in 1985.

Canton Repository 8/20/02
Civil War documents soon to be part of society’s collection
By JAN H. KENNEDY Repository staff writer
The passion of war comes through loud and clear in Civil War-era papers soon to be donated to the Ohio Society of Military History in Massillon.

Ananova 8/22/02
Classic comedy scripts donated to university
Denis Norden is to donate hundreds of his early radio scripts to a university archive.

BBC News 8/23/02
Audacious raid on Dickens museum
Nobody appeared to have witnessed the theft
Thieves have escaped with three first editions of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, worth up to £30,000 each, in a daylight raid on a London museum.

The Miami Herald 8/23/02
Damaged Czech treasures placed with frozen foods
MOCHOV, Czech Republic - (AP) -- Just past a room stocked with spinach and peas, music scores written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lie frozen in a factory that until last
week concerned itself with nothing but packaging vegetables.
''And there's the Prague Bible,'' manager Vladimir Blaha said, pointing to another shelf in a frigid room stacked with bundles of papers wrapped tightly in plastic. The 1488 edition of the Bible is the first ever printed in the Czech language and is one
of just 12 surviving copies.

Washington Post 8/24/02
'King of Porn' Empties Out His Castle

Peter A. Kurilecz CRM, CA
Richmond, Va