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Re: archivalmethods.com

Title: Message
Please forgive the slightly commercial note but we got a couple of notes that our website was down. We checked and it was. Sorry. Our server people added a catalog download capability and took us off line yesterday for a short time. We are back up.
Also our free UPS promo will continue through Sept.
Enjoy the Holiday
Steve Hess
-----Original Message-----
From: Archives & Archivists [mailto:ARCHIVES@LISTSERV.MUOHIO.EDU] On Behalf Of Debra Nolan
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:14 PM
Subject: SAA 2002 Annual Meeting Session Tapes #42 and #53

***SAA 2002 Annual Meeting Attendees***

If you attended the SAA 2002 annual meeting and purchased a tape of session #42.  "Sticky Wickets:  The Ethics of Equal Access, Sensitive Content, and Ongoing Relationships" or session #53. "Taking Responsibility for Archival Accountability:  Case Studies from the Public and Private Sectors" will you contact Steve Martin at Convention Recordings?  His luggage was broken into en route from Birmingham back to his home office and the master tapes of these sessions were stolen.  

Many thanks for your help. Steve can be contacted at Convrec@aol.com.