3 - Photography Now & Again - 3


Disney World (November)
For my 30th birthday, we went to see the Mouse.

New Orleans (1-3 June)
Red Hat hosted a conference in New Orleans, so I got to go hang out in the Big Easy on the company dime. For a week.

Sam and Steve get married (14 May)
We fly to St Thomas. Then there's a wedding. Yay! Will have more photos added later

Sam's bridal shower (05 April)
Sam's getting married. So we had a party. And that means pictures.

Spring round-up (March/April/May)
Random spring photographs. What classifies as 'spring'? Flowers, knitting, cats, DnD.


New Years (31 Dec)
Where we attend two parties in one night. And then there is gaming.

Second Christmas (26 Dec)
Family Christmases postponed our normal holiday. So we made like Hobbits and took a second christmas.

Family Christmas (25 Dec)
My brother and I are home for the holidays. And noone was injured.

Bonus Pet Photos (24 Dec)
Our pets during the holidays. For the missus.

A Very Milby Holiday (23 Dec)
The Milbys had a little party of their own, and they invited the puppy. It's puppy's first party!

Craft Night (22 Dec)
Michael and Richard hosted a small gathering at the Gingerbread House, whereupon we worked on holiday crafts and made merry.

New Puppy (27 Nov)
The day that Gandalf GreySpork came home.

Vegas Honeymoon (02 Nov)
After they got married, they invited us on their honeymoon.

Halloween 2004 (31 Oct)
Halloween/Wedding/Zombie extravaganza.

Kat and Corwin's Engagement Party (07 Feb)
Our friends got engaged to each other, and to celebrate we boozed up and had a riot. A themed riot.

Snow Again (25 Jan)
Snow, sleet, and no one on the roads.

Snow and Phee (09 Jan)
Pictures taken during first winter snowfall


Family Fourth (July)
My family, in all their glory.

Graveyard (July)
Black and white graveyard pics, more historical than goth.

People I know who don't run from the camera.

Photos from the lake house


A mixed bag of lakehouse photos.

The Furry Children
It was 2 cats and a dog, back in the day...

Friends and Stuff
Pals, Halloween, random pictures that we don't even remember taking...

Turkey, Turkey, Turkey
Thanksgiving with the Goldins, a photo essay.

Christmas and Trees
Three Christmases, three trees.