George F Somsel gfsomsel at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 9 18:12:43 EDT 2008

I suggest that you go to Liddell-Scott-Jones and take a look at a series of words with the SUN / SUM prefix.  You will find that they pretty much ALL have the idea of a combined action rather than a strenthening.  Read the M & M section I quoted and you will see that they also indicate that it references a combined action.  Note particularly the phrase συνμαρτυρῶ καὶ συνσφρακιῶ [SUNMARTURW KAI SUNSFRADIW] in which a witness to a document co-witnesses and co-seals the document.


… search for truth, hear truth, 
learn truth, love truth, speak the truth, hold the truth, 
defend the truth till death.

- Jan Hus

----- Original Message ----
From: Edgar Foster <edgarfoster2003 at yahoo.com>
To: George F Somsel <gfsomsel at yahoo.com>; b-greek list <b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Monday, June 9, 2008 2:50:24 PM
Subject: Re: [B-Greek] Romans 8:16: SUMMARTUREI TWi PNEUMATI

Dear George,

Wallace is arguing that the SUN prefix strengthens or
intensifies the thought behind the verb without
stressing the "co-witnessing" aspect of SUMMARTUREW.

Wallace's exact words are "In sum, I have found
SUMMARTUREW predominantly to take dative indirect
objects rather than datives of association. BDAG's
statement that 'the prefix SUN– [on this verb] has
in the highest degree the effect of strengthening' the
force of the verb is largely vindicated."

See http://www.bible.org/page.php?page_id=3434 for his
entire treatment of Romans 8:16.

Best regards,
Edgar Foster

--- George F Somsel <gfsomsel at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I don't see that BDAG particularly supports Wallace
> in his contention.  It states
> συμμαρτυρέω [SUMMARTUREW] (Soph., Thu. et
> al.) ‘to testify’ or ‘bear witness with’
> (Plut., Thes. et Romul. 6, 5, Mor. 64c; BGU86, 40
> [II a.d.] al.), then also gener.to provide
> supporting evidence by testifying,confirm, support
> by testimony(as early as Solon24, 3 D.2the prefix
> συν-has in the highest degree the effect of
> strengthening. 
> Arndt, W., Danker, F. W., & Bauer, W. (2000). A
> Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other
> early Christian literature. (3rd ed.) (957).
> Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
> Similarly M & M  
> συνμαρτυρέω [SUNMARTUREW]
> “bear witness with” (Rom 2:15al.): cf. BGU
> I. 8641ff(a.d.155), where the signature of each
> attesting witness is accompanied by the words
> συνμαρτυρῶ καὶ συνσφρακιῶ.
> For the subst. σύμμαρτυςcf. BGU II.
> 6006(ii/iii a.d.), and for
> συμμαρτύρομαιsee the note to PSI
> VI. 6965(iii/a.d.).
> Moulton, J. H., & Milligan, G. (1930). The
> vocabulary of the Greek Testament. Issued also in
> eight parts, 1914-1929. (610). London: Hodder and
> Stoughton.
>  george
> gfsomsel
> … search for truth, hear truth, 
> learn truth, love truth, speak the truth, hold the
> truth, 
> defend the truth till death.
> - Jan Hus
> _________
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Edgar Foster <edgarfoster2003 at yahoo.com>
> To: b-greek list <b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org>
> Sent: Sunday, June 8, 2008 2:55:52 PM
> Subject: [B-Greek] Romans 8:16: SUMMARTUREI TWi
> Greetings,
> Daniel B. Wallace argues somewhat extensively that
> SUMMARTUREI TWi PNEUMATI is a dative of indirect
> object ("bear witness to") rather than a dative of
> association ("bear witness with"). He appeals (INTER
> ALIA) to BDAG to support his argument. On the other
> hand, Robert Jewett (Commentary on Romans in the
> Hermeneia series) robustly contends that the
> construction in Romans 8:16 should be understood as
> indicating some type of co-witnessing in view of the
> prefix SUN and examples that we find in Plato's
> Hipp.
> maj. 282b1 (SUMMARTURHSAI DE SOI) or an example from
> Plutarch (Adul. amic. 64c13) and Josephus (Ant.
> 19.154). Moulton-Milligan also suggests that there
> are
> texts from the papyri that favor the understanding
> "bear witness with." I just wondered what members of
> this list think.
> Edgar Foster
> ---
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