[B-Greek] Perseus Synonyms? (EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS?)

Sarah Madden sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 14:31:10 EDT 2008

There is one more exception: EKKLHSIA cannot be translated as "church" in
Hebrews 2:12 where it quotes Psalm 22:22:

"saying, 'I will proclaim Thy name to My brothers, in the midst of the *
assembly* I will sing Thy praises.' "
Sarah Madden
sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
Maryland, USA

On 6/12/08, Bryant J. Williams III <bjwvmw at com-pair.net> wrote:
> Dear Craig,
> I would suggest you see the following article in NIDNTT, Vol. 1, pp.
> 291-307,
> Church, Synagogue, EKKLHSIA, by L. Coenen. This is especially true of the
> use of
> EKKLHSIA and SUNAGWGH and their translations of QAHAL and )EDAH in the LXX.
> It
> is interesting that the Hebrew )EDAH is never translated by EKKLHSIA, but
> by
> In the NT, with the exception of James 2:2 (SUNAGWGH), EKKLHSIA is always
> used
> of the meetings and community gatherings of the followers of Jesus. This is
> especially significant since the early followers were Jews. EKKLHSIA is
> also
> used of the riotous crowd assembled in Ephesus (Acts 19:39-40). With the
> exception of Mt 16:18; 18:17, it is never used in the Gospels.
> En Xristwi,
> Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "newsgroupstuff" <newsgroupstuff at gmail.com>
> To: "'newsgroupstuff'" <newsgroupstuff at gmail.com>; <
> b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 9:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [B-Greek] Perseus Synonyms? (EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS?)
> > Further to my post below, perhaps I should explain a little of the
> background
> to my question. I am looking at the use of EKKLHSIA in the NT. It was
> suggested
> to me that if the Christians just wanted to use a Greek term to mean
> "meeting"
> or "assembly", then they could have used SULLOGOS instead. But they never
> did
> (at least in the NT), suggesting that EKKLHSIA becomes more of technical
> than a
> generic term, or else that it is distinctly better for describing the
> Christian
> meeting than SULLOGOS would be.
> >
> > In the Perseus it notes that EKKLHSIA regularly appears with SULLOGOS.
> I'm
> guessing for the same reason the LSJ entries suggest that EKKLHSIA is more
> specific than SULLOGOS, based on Th.2.22, Pl.Grg.456b, etc, and so that
> would perhaps not be used to describe the official EKKLHSIA. But if you
> were the
> first Christians, and wanted to pick a word to describe the new Christian
> gatherings, could SULLOGOS have been used as readily as EKKLHSIA?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > --
> > Craig Johnson
> > Brisbane, Australia
> > Blog: http://bloggledegook.blogspot.com/
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: newsgroupstuff [mailto:newsgroupstuff at gmail.com]
> > > Sent: Thursday, 12 June 2008 7:49 PM
> > > To: 'b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org'
> > > Subject: Perseus Synonyms? (EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS?)
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi.
> > >
> > > I'm just wondering if someone can help explain something I
> > > came across.
> > >
> > > I wanted to compare two words: EKKLHSIA and SULLOGOS. I
> > > expected them to be synonyms, but if I look up either on
> > > Perseus, neither comes up for the other as a synonym. Is
> > > there something very different about the meanings of these
> > > two words? Does anyone know how the computer of Perseus
> > > determines synonyms, and why these don't come up as synonymns?
> > >
> > > Here are the LSJ definitions from Perseus, and from this
> > > there seems some overlap in the terms:
> > >
> > > ἐκκλησί-α, ἡ, (ἔκκλητος) assembly duly summoned, less general
> > > than σύλλογος, Th.2.22, Pl.Grg.456b, etc. ; applied to the
> > > Homeric Assemblies, Arist.Pol.1285a11 ; to the Samian
> > > Assembly, Hdt.3.142 ; to the Spartan, Th.1.87 ; to the
> > > meeting of the Amphictyons at Delphi, Aeschin.3.124 ; at
> > > Athens, ἐ. κύριαι, opp. σύγκλητοι, Arist.Ath.43.4 ; κυρία ἐ.,
> > > at Amorgos, IG12(7).237.46 ; ἐ. συναγείρειν, συνάγειν,
> > > συλλέγειν, ἀθροίζειν, call an assembly, Hdt.3.142, Th.2.60,
> > > 8.97, X.HG1.6.8 ; ἐ. ποιεῖν Ar.Eq.746, Th.1.139,al. ; ἐ.
> > > ποιεῖν τινί Ar.Ach.169 ; διδόναι τινί Plb.4.34.6 ; ἐ.
> > > γίγνεται an assembly is held, Th.6.8 ; καταστάσης ἐ. Id.1.31
> > > ; ἦν ἐ. τοῖς στρατηγοῖς And.1.2 ; ἐ. διαλύειν, ἀναστῆσαι,
> > > dissolve it, Th.8.69 (Pass.),X.HG2.4.42 ; ἀφιέναι Plu.TG16 ;
> > > ἐ. ἀνεβλήθη was adjourned, Th.5.45 ; ἐ. περί τινος Ar. Av.1030, etc.
> > >
> > > σύλλογ-ος, ὁ, assembly, concourse, meeting of persons,
> > > whether legal or riotous, ς. ἐγίνετο Hdt.8.74; Ἀχαιῶν ς.,
> > > name of a play by Sophocles; ξ. γυναικοπληθεῖς E.Alc.951; ς.
> > > στρατεύματος Id.IA514, cf. 825; ἐν θεοῖς ς. σοῦ πέρι ἔσται
> > > Id.Hel.878; ς. ποιῆσαι Th.1.67, 4.114 (cf. ἐκκλησία); ς.
> > > ποιέεσθαι Hdt.7.8 init., 8.24, cf. E.Heracl.335; ς. διαλύειν
> > > Hdt.7.10.δ'; of the people, διαλύεσθαι ἐκ τοῦ ς. Id.3.73; ς.
> > > σχολαστικοί Arist.Pol.1313b3; συμπόσια καὶ ἄλλοι ς. Phld.Mus.
> > > p.110K.; ὁ ς. ὁ Ἁλικαρνασσέων SIG45.1 (Halic., v B.C.), cf.
> > > 278.3 (Priene, iv B.C.), al.; at Athens, of any special
> > > public meeting or assembly, opp. the common ἐκκλησία,
> > > Th.2.22, Pl.Lg.764a; ἐκκλησίᾳ καὶ ἄλλῳ ς. παντί, ὅστις ἂν
> > > πολιτικὸς ς. γένηται Id.Grg.452e, cf. X.An.5.7.2, D.19.122;
> > > freq. of a muster of forces, X.Cyr.6.2.11, al.; so ς. νεῶν
> > > And.3.38; ς. θεραπηΐης a medical consultation, Hp. Praec.13.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > --
> > > Craig Johnson
> > > Brisbane, Australia
> > > Blog: http://bloggledegook.blogspot.com/
> > >
> > ---
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> >
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sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
work: 301.429.8189

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