[B-Greek] EIS in Matthew 10:41-42

Elizabeth Kline kline_dekooning at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 13 15:57:18 EDT 2008

On Jun 13, 2008, at 11:38 AM, Wieland Willker wrote:

> I would say that EIS is simply used as EN here. This happens
> in Koine Greek.

I was tempted to also jump to this conclusion before I looked at the  
evidence from the LXX where EIS [TO] ONOMA is somewhat rare (1Chr.  
22:5 Neh. 6:13 1Mac. 13:29 2Mac. 8:4 3Mac. 2:9 Wis. 18:12 Is. 55:13)  
by comparison to EN [TWi] ONOMATI which is much more frequent.

Turner (Syntax pp.155,166) and Moule (Idiom Book, p.79) do not equate  
EN [TWi] ONOMATI with  EIS [TO] ONOMA. Turner (p155) reads  EIS [TO]  
ONOMA as causal "because of" or "for the sake of" and Moule "because  
he is a prophet".

Elizabeth Kline

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