Elizabeth Kline kline_dekooning at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 14 15:33:36 EDT 2008

On Jun 14, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Carl Conrad wrote:

> I have no new "scientific" evidence to contribute to this discussion  
> (if that is what it is); it all strikes me as much ado about little  
> or nothing. It's rather a nuisance to have to deal with a plethora  
> of terminology to describe dative usage. I go along with the notion  
> of three fundamental case-usage categories of the dative; I taught  
> them as "true dative" (instances of an indirect object where we'd  
> use "to" or "for" in English and it's used with a noun indicating a  
> person), "locative dative" (instances of stationary time or place  
> where we'd use "in" or "at" in English and it's used with a noun  
> indicating a locality or time-word), and "instrumental/ 
> comitative" (instances of instrumentality or association where we'd  
> use "by" or "with" or "by means of" in English with an appropriate  
> nominal form. I think these distinctions generally hold valid in the  
> Koine, with a striking exception of EN + dative which is often  
> instrumental rather than locative and is perhaps used even more  
> extensively.
> There really isn't any doubt regarding what SUMMARTUREW with a  
> dative of the person means: "back up the testimony of ... " or  
> "support." I just don't see what all the folderol about classifying  
> the usage is about.

Thank You Carl,

As with many threads, not all the participants in this one are  
discussing the same issue. My part was to take a look a the notion of  
'intensification' in preposition verb compounds.

You wrote:
> There really isn't any doubt regarding what SUMMARTUREW with a  
> dative of the person means: "back up the testimony of ... " or  
> "support."

I agree. I don't have any doubts about. But I was under the impression  
that by choosing to focus on 'intensification' Wallace was taking this  
in different direction. I could be wrong.

Thanks for the clarification, helpful as always.

Elizabeth Kline

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