[B-Greek] Luke 24.7 rising "again"

newsgroupstuff newsgroupstuff at gmail.com
Sat Jun 14 22:36:13 EDT 2008

> Would it be too much to suggest that the fundamental meaning of the  
> prefix ANA- is "up"? ANISTAMAI means "get up" -- from a sitting, or  
> reclining -- or dormant -- position. ANISTAMAI and EGEIROMAI are  
> roughly equivalent standard words for "wake up," "get up," "arise."  
> The verb is used of resurrection just as the verb KOIMAOMAI "go to  
> sleep,"  is used metaphorically of death. It is those who choose to  
> translate ANASTHNAI as "rise again" who are responsible for the  
> redundancy. There's nothing redundant in the Greek verb itself.
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics, Washington University (Retired)

Yes, certainly ANISTAMAI is standard word for getting up, from sleep,
sitting etc.

So does ANA- ever mean "again"? Or is that a complete misunderstanding..?

Craig Johnson
Brisbane, Australia
Blog: http://bloggledegook.blogspot.com/ 

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