[B-Greek] The Last on Sabbaton

Jonathan Bailey baileyjn at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 15 10:59:45 EDT 2008

Dear List,
Many people responded to the thread on SABBATON, so I just wanted to say that while I did not respond to the many on- and off-list responses (I'm a busy guy here in Iraq),  I did read them and I did forward a number of them to the guy I  was talking to. Thanks for the research you guys did and the knowledge you shared. When I originally wrote, I was surely looking for information that clarified the position of Saturday vs. Sunday worship, which was the subject of the original conversation that prompted me to write. But my choice to write to the b-greek list was more an interest in the Greek usage than an analysis of verses. I was curious if there were any linguistic reasons for the choice of MIAi vs. PROTHi and the singular vs. plural in the case of SABBATOU and SABBATWN. So I really appreciated the post about MIAi being a Hebraism. But all of the posts were very informative. I'll say at this point that the discussion about Saturday worship is over at this point and I'm not really looking for further answers on it. (Someone off-list wondered if I were still collecting info on it.)
So thanks for all the help.
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