[B-Greek] Patrisitic commentaries

Litteral John John.Litteral at Ashland.kyschools.us
Mon Jun 16 14:52:59 EDT 2008

Yes, I've found what I think is all the ones that you can find online
with free access, and I have what I think is the largest collection on
my site under 'Ancient Bible Commentaries'
But there are lots of Bible commentaries that are not online such as
Didymus the Blind, many of Jerome's Bible commentaries, many of
Origen's, Ambrosiaster, many of Theodoret's, etc etc.  I have bought
some printed ones, but I am searching for some way to access them
online, which I know that free is most likely out of the question but
something like questia.  Questia does provide some commentaries such as
Origen's homilies on Jeremiah, Ephesians, Leviticus, etc.  That is what
I have in mind.
Thank you!
John Litteral
jlitteral5 at roadrunner.com
john.litteral at ashland.kyschools.us


From: Kevin W. Woodruff [mailto:cierpke at prodigy.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 2:33 PM
To: Litteral John
Subject: Re: [B-Greek] Patrisitic commentaries

Have you tried:

Litteral John <John.Litteral at Ashland.kyschools.us> wrote:

	I know that this is primarily for Greek study, but I truly hope
that I
	can be shown some mercy here because I really don't know where
else to
	ask this. I have recently signed up to questia for some
	material, and I have found some hard to get resources such as
	Patrisitic commentaries, but not as much as I would like. I was
	wondering if there is an online library that has an abundant
source of
	them, such the ones that you will not find free online? I would
like to
	find something that would give me access to Bible commentaries
from the
	likes of Bede, Theodoret, Theodore of Mopsuesia, Jerome, etc
etc. I
	would really appreciate any help that would point me in the
	Thank you!
	John Litteral
	john.litteral at ashland.kyschools.us
	jlitteral5 at roadrunner.com
	B-Greek home page: http://www.ibiblio.org/bgreek
	B-Greek mailing list
	B-Greek at lists.ibiblio.org

Prof. Kevin W. Woodruff, M.Div., M.S.I.S.
Library Director/Reference Librarian, Assistant Professor of Bible,
Greek, Theological Bibliography and Research
Tennessee Temple University/Temple Baptist Seminary, 1815 Union Ave. 
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404, United States of America
423/493-4252 (office) 423/698-9447 (home) 423/493-4497 (FAX)
Cierpke at prodigy.net http://pages.prodigy.net/cierpke/woodruff.htm

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