[B-Greek] 1 Thess 3:2.. Was Timothy Paul’s or God’s co-worker?

Noel Fitzpatrick njfitzpatrick712 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 15:16:51 EDT 2008


Thank you for going to so much trouble to seek a resolution of
my concern. I appreciate that you looked at so many sources.
>From your reply I gather one may accept God's co-worker as a valid
translation of SUNERGON TOU  QEOU.


I am very grateful to you also for your post.

The problem is not really a textual one (as I pointed out), since Wallace
and I both use  the UBS GNT (4th Ed. Revised) - Western Text, which Wallace
considers the best text.

My problem is how to translate SUNERGON TOU  QEOU.

I considered two translations.  However you very astutely consider a third
by writing:

I think that relationship of TOU QEOU should be
with all the fellow workers who belong to God,

Thus  I consider you do not disagree with God's co-worker as a possible
valid translation.

Noel Fitzpatrick,
Dublin, Ireland.

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