[B-Greek] Matt 16:18 EPI + dative?

newsgroupstuff newsgroupstuff at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 05:50:20 EDT 2008

> It's customary to speak of adverbial phrases as 
> answering questions of "when," "where," "why," etc.
>  EPI THi PETRAi answers the question "at
> what point is the foundation to be laid?" I was 
> trying to differentiate between EPI + acc. which 
> indicates point to which/upon which action is 
> directed and EPI + dat. which indicates a stationery  
> point of focus.
> Carl W. Conrad
> Department of Classics, Washington University (Retired)

Okay, I think I've got it now, but not sure, you will need to confirm! I
think what was throwing me was I thought you were saying by "at what point"
meaning a point in time, so answering a "when" question. Which didn't make
sense to me.

But I think what you are saying it is EPI+Dat is answering "at what point in
space" question, a "where" question. Which rock will Jesus build on? This
rock! The EPI+Acc is more a "how" question, emphasising "upon", building
upwards starting from the foundation of the rock.

Is that what you mean?

Sorry for slowness, maybe I'm too tired!

Craig Johnson
Brisbane, Australia
Blog: http://bloggledegook.blogspot.com/ 

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