[B-Greek] John's Theme of "Sending"

Carlton Winbery winberycl at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 19 18:22:49 EDT 2008

>Of the two words, PEMPW and APOSTELLW, APOSTELLW is the one used 
>more frequently in a technical sense.
>Again, I recommend looking up the bibliography provided in the BDAG 
>entry. At the end, TW indicates the Theological Dictionary of the 
>New Testament has a useful article on this word. Then specifically 
>on Shaliach, section 1.c. points to Kopf's 1958 article and to the 
>entry on APOSTOLOS. Read these articles to see if they yield any 
>leads. The entry on APOSTOLOS points to Schürer, Billerbeck, Truron, 
>Dix, and the EDNT. There is much to be gleaned from these. Have you 
>perhaps read some of these already?
>John 13:16 aÓmh\n aÓmh\n le÷gw uJmiˆn, oujk e¶stin douvloß mei÷zwn 
>touv kuri÷ou aujtouv oujde« aÓpo/stoloß mei÷zwn touv pe÷myantoß 


Though the noun is used only once in John the verb is used often, 
especially as participles. I have often thought that this verse 
should be translated, "Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not 
greater than his master nor a sent one greater than the one who sent 

Carlton Winbery

>  > -----Original Message-----
>>  From: b-greek-bounces at lists.ibiblio.org 
>>[mailto:b-greek-bounces at lists.ibiblio.org] On
>>  Behalf Of Bryant J. Williams III
>>  Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:47 PM
>>  To: 'B Greek'
>>  Subject: [B-Greek] John's Theme of "Sending"
>>  Dear List,
>>  I'm reading through John's gospel and have been impressed with how 
>>often this
>>  gospel refers to the theme of "sending" (both APOSTELLW and PEMPW, 
>>the 2 words
>>  appear to be used interchangeably in John). There appear to be 4 significant
>>  categories:
>>  1. God sends John the Baptist
>>  2. God sends Jesus
>>  3. Jesus sends His disciples
>>  4. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit
>>  Are you aware of any articles or other references that treat this topic? One
>>  specific area especially of interest to me is whether some such 
>>title as, "The
>>  Sent One" (from Heb SHALACH), might have been understood in 2nd 
>>temple times as
>>  a designation of the Messiah. Some verses even appear to make 
>>belief that Jesus
>>  is the Sent One as the content of saving faith (see,11:42; 17:3,8,21,23,25).
>>  Thank you,
>>  En Xristwi,
>>  Rev. Bryant J. Williams III
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Carlton L. Winbery
Retired Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
winberycl at earthlink.net

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