[B-Greek] Septuagint word search for andrizw or andrizomai

Ken Penner ken.penner at acadiau.ca
Mon Jun 23 08:01:42 EDT 2008

I recommend the Resurgence Greek Project (http://www.zhubert.com/) 
Using the Advanced Search, (http://www.zhubert.com/asearch) you can search for A)NDRI/ZOMAI, and the resulting list differs only slightly from the one George provided.
Or using the Concordance, you will arrive at http://www.zhubert.com/word?root=??d????µa? with its lexicon links (not all working at this time), interesting charts and statistics on frequency of forms.

Ken M. Penner, Ph.D.
Acadia Divinity College
Hebrew and Greek vocabulary memorization software:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: b-greek-bounces at lists.ibiblio.org [mailto:b-greek-bounces at lists.ibiblio.org] On
> Behalf Of Oscar Villa
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 5:58 AM
> To: b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org
> Subject: [B-Greek] Septuagint word search for andrizw or andrizomai
> Fellow Greek Students,
> To all of those who pointed out available resources, I thank you for your compassion!
> A little more help please...
> Can you help me? I would like to know where I can perform a word search of the
> Septuagint. I'm looking for all the known occurrences of the verb andrizw or andrizomai.
> Any word studies or free lexicon entries out there which can provide the range of meanings
> for me to look into?
> Thank you!
> Oscar Villa

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