[B-Greek] Septuagint word search for andrizw or andrizomai

Sarah Madden sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 11:47:46 EDT 2008

Oscar --
Try contacting Pete Coad of GreekBibleStudy.org (his e-mail is "Peter Coad"
<ask at greekbiblestudy.org>). He has an excellent site that includes
the Septuagint in the Greek as well as the Greek NT -- but I have no idea
how to do such a search. I use his site to verify parsing and to view
parallel English translations.

sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
Maryland - USA

On 6/23/08, Oscar Villa <filipino_workman at yahoo.com.ph> wrote:
> Fellow Greek Students,
> To all of those who pointed out available resources, I thank you for your
> compassion!
> A little more help please...
> Can you help me? I would like to know where I can perform a word search of
> the Septuagint. I'm looking for all the known occurrences of the verb
> andrizw or andrizomai. Any word studies or free lexicon entries out there
> which can provide the range of meanings for me to look into?
> Thank you!
> Oscar Villa
> Student praying that I might be a teacher
>      Yahoo! Toolbar is now powered with Search Assist.Download it now!
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sarah.r.madden at gmail.com
work: 301.429.8189

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