[B-Greek] OUDEIS in Revelation 15:8

Revdougpickrel at aol.com Revdougpickrel at aol.com
Tue Jun 24 15:38:22 EDT 2008

Hi Elizabeth,
I noticed your posting earlier concerning OUDEIS in Revelation.  I  have 
found it several times in the Septuagint and here it is:
OUDEIS nom mass sg  not one, no one, none,  nothing 
OUDEN pronoun ind neut acc sg.,  Gen. 37:4; not one, Gen.  39:6;  nothing 
OUTHEIS (used 378 b.c. to A.D. 200) pron indf  neut acc sg not one, no one, 
none, nothing 
OUTHEN  adj nom and acc sg (OUTHEIS used 378 b.c. to A.D. 200) ., OUTHEIS 
nothing, no, no one 
I hope this is what you're looking for.  I see in Rev.15:8 it is  translated 
as 'no man'. 
Have a good day. 
Rev. Doug Pickrel,  Litt.D.
Tejas Valley
San Antonio, Texas

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