[B-Greek] Trenches book on synonyms

George F Somsel gfsomsel at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 18:09:53 EDT 2008

Thayer's Lexicon is later than Trench's synonyms.  Part of the problem with Thayer is that it is deficient in not taking into account the discoveries of the papyri which greatly enhanced our knowledge of lexical usage.  If that is the case, do you not think that Trench would be equally deficient?  Add to that the fact that Trench deals only with certain words which he considers to be synonyms.  This leaves a great number of words which may not be considered as precisely synonyms but which cover similar areas.   I think you would do better to get Louw & Nida's _Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains_ where you could do a more careful study of the relationships of many similar words.  
First get BDAG.

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----- Original Message ----
From: "JMonte2000 at aol.com" <JMonte2000 at aol.com>
To: b-greek at lists.ibiblio.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:57:49 PM
Subject: [B-Greek] Trenches book on synonyms

Hi all 
Is Trenches book on synonyms still considered a good resource considering  
when it was written? 
Why I'm asking is, as time goes on and scholarship understands more &  more 
about the language, books sometimes get outdated. Also what uses can a 1st  yr 
man get from this book like myself? Is it used like a good lexicon, only  
comparing words groups? Anything else that you can say about the book would be  

Grace and  peace

Jim  Montesano

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