[B-Greek] Trenches book on synonyms

Ben Crick ben.crick at argonet.co.uk
Tue Jun 24 19:39:51 EDT 2008

On Tue 24 Jun 2008 (16:57:49), jmonte2000 at aol.com wrote:
> Is Trenches book on synonyms still considered a good resource
> considering when it was written? 

 Trench's /Synonyms of the NT/, 9th Ed. 1880, is an excellent resource for
 preachers; but nowadays considered inadequate for scholars. Put it alongside
 Girdlestone's /Synonyms of the OT/, 2nd ed. 1897, from Eerdman's.

 As a 1st year man, first be sure to get BDAG for an up to date lexicon
 for all purposes.

 Revd Ben Crick, BA CF                                       ZFC Re
 <ben.crick at NOSPAM.argonet.co.uk>
 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK)
*Acorn RPC700, RO4.03+Kinetic Card, 126MB, 4.3GB HD, x32CDROM
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 114GB HD, CD-RW, etc. *Ethernet networking.

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