Re: Compact GNT

From: Rex A. Koivisto (
Date: Mon Aug 28 1995 - 16:43:54 EDT

>To ask an obvious, but possibly dumb, question: Might it not be easier
>to find such a thing in, say, Greece? While clearly most NTs would be
>in modern Greek, might not some publisher there have turned out a
>suitable "reader's edition" of the GNT? Does anyone have any contacts
        I have a very small "printed in Greece" Greek NT (2" by 4" or so)
that is only about a half inch thick. It is two columns of very small
Greek and the chapter references use Greek characters. The publisher is
ADELPHOTHS THEOLOGWN H "ZWH." The text is not modern Greek, but rather the
traditional Koine TR. But, hey, it is so convenient a size. I also have,
from the same publisher, the LXX OT and the TR NT in a larger format in one
volume. I believe both of these were obtained via contacts with the local
Greek Orthodox church. You may wish to check with a local Greek Orthodox
priest for addresses or catalogs.
Hope this is helpful.
Rex K.

Rex A. Koivisto Email:
Dept. of Bible and Theology Voice: 503/255-0332x415
Multnomah Bible College, Portland, OR FAX: 503/254-1268

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