BAGD ed. 3

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Mon Aug 28 1995 - 18:55:19 EDT

Some time ago Eric Weiss asked

>What is the status of the English edition of the revision to BAGD, i.e., when
>will it be available, what is the retail and discount mail-order price?

I answered him with the following information, which may be of interest to
readers of B-Greek [I don't think it appeared there, at least not to my

Fred Danker delivered the completed manuscript of the third edition to the
University of Chicago Press in early April. (Can one call something on a
hard disk a manuscript?)

I called Fred for more information. He is now in the labor-intensive task
of reading page proofs. The target date for its appearance in print is the
Society of Biblical Literature meeting in 1996, i.e. Thanksgiving, 1996. Of
course, it is always possible that the press might publish a bit beofre
that date.

The price is not yet set, of course. Fred has asked the press to keep it
below $75.00, if possible; but that may be a dream of Fred's that will not
correlate with reality. No one can guess what the mail-order discount price
will be--or if indeed there will be one!

I no longer have students purchase the 2nd edition. I will recommend the
purchase of Abbott-Smith's _Manual Greek Lexicon_ or some other small work
(Souter, if still in print) and send them to the library to use BAGD, ed.

If you want more acurate information, you might drop a note to Prof.
Frederick W. Danker, 3438 Russell Ave., St. Louis, MO 63104. Tel.:


Edgar Krentz <>
New Testament, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Voice: 312-753-0752; FAX: 312-753-0782

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