Re > Participles

From: Karen Pitts (
Date: Tue Dec 12 1995 - 02:00:22 EST

Re > Participles 12/12/95 2:53 PM

On 12/12/95 Carlton Winberry wrote:

>Karen, James Brooks and I dealt with the participle in Syntax of NT Greek,
>UPA 1978 by first defining the participle as a verbal adjective and then
>organizing the syntax according to the four ways the adjective functions,
>attributive, substantival, predicative, and adverbial. Of course the
>adverbial participle is far more prevalent than the adjective used as an
>adverb. We dealt with the genitive absolute as an adverbial ptc. since it
>often must be translated as a temporal clause. Our students have been able
>to relate to this structure very well.


Thanks! I just recently ordered Syntax of NT Greek with some Christmas money,
but it hasn't come yet (as if I had time to read Greek references just before
Christmas). I appreciate your ability to succinctly summarize issues. I take
much longer and am not nearly so clear. I am looking forward to spending time
in your book.

You are correct that the genitive absolute is just a special case of the
adverbial participle. I gave it special emphasis just because people have to
recognize the construction, especially to look for the noun in the genitive
case and realize that it is the subject of the clause.

Thanks again for all your suggestions.

Karen Pitts
Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Hopewell, NJ, teacher of NT Greek
David Sarnoff Research Center, Princeton, NJ, statistician

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