Re: Attic vs. Koine Greek...

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sun Dec 07 1997 - 06:54:49 EST

At 5:01 AM -0600 12/6/97, JPDow wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>Since someone today mentioned the study of Classical Greek as a
>precursor to the study of the GNT, I thought I would ask the
>following question.
>Has anyone on this list studied both Attic and Koine Greek? If so, I
>would appreciate it if you would give me an overview of the
>differences between the two dialects.
>I am curious about this because I am currently studying Attic Greek
>(at the introductory level) at my college as a stepping-stone to
>future study of the GNT, and it would be nice to know what kinds of
>differences I can look forward to when I do get to the GNT.
>Thanks in advance,

Ithink there are several list-members who have studied both and I'm one of
those who work primarily with classical Attic but also do Koine with anyone
who wants to do it at Washington University.

I came across one rather good summary, along with a bibliography, of
differences between Classical Attic and Koine at the web-site of Jay Treat
at the University of Pennsylvania:

The one part of it that won't really show up well in most web browsers is
that the Greek of these passages shows up as garbled ASCII. Nevertheless,
you can probably figure out what the Greek words in question are meant to
be or check the reference works and page-numbers that he indicates at the
head of his article. I'd add that it is not an exhaustive account, but it's
more thorough than many that I've seen and much more thorough than any
listing I've ever tried to develop.

Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR

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