Re: Mt 24:38 & Lk 17:27 (correction)

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 08:51:21 EST

I reiterate at the outset that I certainly don't want to carry on any
discussion of the authenticity the Pauline letters on B-Greek; I do wish,
however, to correct something I wrote yesterday, lest I be thought a bigger
fool than I actually am: the comment should concern 1 Timothy rather than
Ephesians. I have some doubts about Ephesians too, but the characterization
below is meant to apply to the pastoral epistles rather than to Ephesians.

At 4:33 PM -0600 12/13/97, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
> . . . Personally the attitude toward gender roles in Ephesians is one
>of the reasons (but by no means the only one) why I don't believe Ephesians
>is an authentic Pauline letter--I think it is much more patriarchal in its
>views than the unquestionable Pauline letters and that it reflects a church
>organization that is much more concerned with authority structures and
>doctrinal orthodoxy than the unquestionable Pauline letters are. But of
>course this is a matter of much controversy and widely-disputed viewpoints
>that range across a whole spectrum. I mention this only as my own view here
>and not one that I want to discuss in this forum. At any rate, this whole
>business of the usage of GAMEW is a matter on which social history has a
>not irrelevant bearing.

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