Latin citation

From: Edgar M. Krentz (
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 17:57:22 EST

Carl Conrad's translation, as you might guess, is on target. Swete
indicates that he regards the Nero redivivus "myth" (Nero, once killed,
comes back to life) as underlying this passage in Revelation. I would share
that view. Check out the references that Swete gives to authors of the
Early Roman Empire. You could add to his list some material from the
Sibyline Oracles, etc. There was even a spurious Nero who raised an army in
the East and sought power.

O tempora, O mores! What goes around, comes around.

Peace, Ed Krentz

                 Edgar Krentz
                 Professor of New Testament
                 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
                 1100 East 55th Street
                 Chicago, IL 60615
                 e-mail: office:
                Tel: 0ff.: 773-256-0752; home 773-947-8105

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