RE: LXX and Greek "Fathers" text.

From: Daniel Ria–o (
Date: Thu Dec 18 1997 - 04:29:45 EST

>>> Does anyone know where I can download the text of the LXX in Greek? I
>>> also would like to find the Greek "Fathers" writings in Greek rather
>>> than the English translations.
>>> I haven't even been able to find a web site where I can search the
>>> original language versions of the "Fathers."
>>If there is such a web site for the Greek Fathers in Greek, I'd like to
>>know as well. The best I've been able to do is some of them on the
>>Thesaurus Linguae Graecae CD ROM #D, but it's quite expensive. Maybe
>>$400 or so for individuals. I've forgotten: surely somebody who is a
>>classicist will know, for it is basically a classics CD.
>The LXX is available from Logos Library Systems, as are the NA26 (text,
>not apparatus), BAGD, the one-volume Kittel, Loew-Nida, and a grammar
>[whose I can't recall offhand]. They just did all umpty volumes of the
>Church Fathers in English (Ante-Nicene, Nicene, & Post-Nicene) and I've
>been after them to do all of Migne. Turns out somebody else has already
>done half of Migne--I don't remember if it's the Greek half or the Latin
>half. [Can you tell it's the end of the day? <g> I'm in mortar for
>brains mode.]
>Check with logos @ for prices.

        Many of the Father's writings are on the TLG CD-ROM #D, and the
ones missing, they'll probably be on the #E version (cf. infra).

        If you saved some money from the last weekend, here's some ideas
for your shopping:

        CETEDOC Library of Christian Latin Texts (CLCLT-3): The volumes of
the Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina and Continuatio Medieualis are on
CD-ROM format, edited by Brepols. The database and software (MS-DOS and
Windows, but regretfully no Mac version) are from the CETEDOC. If you don't
own a previous version, the price is about 140.000 BF.

        Or you can immediately purchase the "Patrologia Latina Database", a
set of 5 CD-ROMs containing all the volumes of the Patrologia Latina from
J. P. Migne. The price is 30.000 BP (that is: a three plus four zeroes) and
is distributed by Chadwyck-Healy, Inc.

        Here's the list of the Greek authors present on TLG CD-ROM #D under
classification tag "Ecclesiastica". There are others under classification
tags "Acta, Apocrypha, Catena, etc). Note *Not* all the works from the
following authors appear in #D (v.g. the works from the ACO series). You
can find the entire list in the TLG server <>

ADAMANTIUS, Scr. Eccl., , A.D. 4
ALEXANDER, Scr. Eccl., Hierosolymitanus, A.D. 3
AMMONIUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 5-6?
AMPHILOCHIUS, Scr. Eccl., Iconiensis, A.D. 4
ANTHIMUS, Scr. Eccl., Nicomediensis, A.D. 4
APOLLONIUS, Scr. Eccl., Ephesius, A.D. 2-3
ARETHAS, Philol. Scr. Eccl., Caesariensis (Cappadociae), A.D. 9-10
ASTERIUS Sophista, Scr. Eccl., Antiochenus, A.D. 4
ASTERIUS, Scr. Eccl., Amasenus, A.D. 4-5
BASILIUS, Scr. Eccl., Ancyranus, A.D. 4
BASILIUS, Scr. Eccl., Isauricus, A.D. 5
CORNELIUS, Scr. Eccl., Romanus, A.D. 3
CYRILLUS, Scr. Eccl., Hierosolymitanus, A.D. 4
DIDYMUS CAECUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 4
DIODORUS, Scr. Eccl., Tarsensis, A.D. 4
DIONYSIUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 3
DIONYSIUS, Scr. Eccl., Corinthius, A.D. 2
DIONYSIUS, Scr. Eccl., Romanus, A.D. 3
EPHRAEM, Scr. Eccl., Chersonensis, A.D. 4?
EPIPHANIUS, Scr. Eccl., Constantiensis (Cypri), A.D. 4
EUSEBIUS, Scr. Eccl. Theol., Caesariensis, A.D. 4
EUSEBIUS, Scr. Eccl., Emesenus, A.D. 4
EUSTATHIUS, Philol. Scr. Eccl., Thessalonicensis, A.D. 12
EVAGRIUS Scholasticus, Scr. Eccl., Antiochenus, A.D. 6
EVAGRIUS, Scr. Eccl., Ponticus, A.D. 4
GAIUS, Scr. Eccl., Romanus, A.D. 3
GENNADIUS I, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 5
GREGORIUS THAUMATURGUS, Scr. Eccl., Neocaesariensis, A.D. 3
HEGESIPPUS, Scr. Eccl., Palaestinus, A.D. 2
HERMAS, Scr. Eccl., , A.D. 2
HIPPOLYTUS, Scr. Eccl., Romanus, A.D. 3
IGNATIUS, Scr. Eccl., Antiochenus, A.D. 1-2
JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 4-5
JOANNES DAMASCENUS, Theol. Scr. Eccl., Damascenus, A.D. 7-8
Joannes MOSCHUS, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 6-7
JOANNES, Scr. Eccl., Hierosolymitanus, A.D. 8
LEO VI SAPIENS Imperator, Phil. Scr. Eccl. Poeta, Constantinopolitanus,
A.D. 9-10
MACARIUS, Scr. Eccl., Aegyptius, A.D. 4
METHODIUS I, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 9
METHODIUS, Scr. Eccl., Olympius, A.D. 3-4
NICEPHORUS I, Theol. Scr. Eccl. Hist., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 8-9
NICETAS DAVID, Gramm. Phil. Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 9-10
PALLADIUS, Scr. Eccl., Helenopolitanus, A.D. 4-5
PAMPHILUS, Scr. Eccl., Caesariensis, A.D. 3-4
PAPIAS, Scr. Eccl., Hierapolitanus, A.D. 2
PETRUS MONGUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 5
PETRUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 3-4
PETRUS, Scr. Eccl., Sebastenus, A.D. 4
PHILEAS, Scr. Eccl., Thmuitanus, A.D. 3-4
PHILOSTORGIUS, Scr. Eccl., Cappadox, A.D. 4-5
PHOTIUS, Theol. Scr. Eccl. Lexicogr., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 9
PIERIUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 3-4
POLYCARPUS, Scr. Eccl., Smyrnaeus, A.D. 1-2
POLYCRATES, Scr. Eccl., Ephesinus, A.D. 2
PROCOPIUS, Rhet. Scr. Eccl., Gazaeus, A.D. 5-6
Pseudo-DIONYSIUS AREOPAGITA, Theol. Scr. Eccl., fort. Syrius, A.D. 5-6
Pseudo-EUSEBIUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 37
Pseudo-MACARIUS, Scr. Eccl., Mesopotamius, A.D. 4
Pseudo-OECUMENIUS, Scr. Eccl., , p. A.D. 7
RHODO, Scr. Eccl., , A.D. 2
Salaminius Hermias SOZOMENUS, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 5
SERAPION, Scr. Eccl., Antiochenus, A.D. 2-3
SEVERIANUS, Scr. Eccl., Gabalensis, A.D. 4
SOPHRONIUS, Soph. Scr. Eccl. Epigr., Hierosolymitanus, A.D. 6-7
SYMEON, Scr. Eccl., Mesopotamius, A.D. 4
THEODORETUS, Scr. Eccl. Theol., Cyrrhensis, A.D. 4-5
THEODORUS DAPHNOPATES, Scr. Eccl. Hist., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 10
THEODORUS Heracleensis vel THEODORUS Mopsuestenus, Scr. Eccl., , A.D. 4-5
THEODORUS STUDITES, Scr. Eccl. Theol., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 8-9
THEODORUS, Scr. Eccl., Heracleensis, A.D. 4
THEODOTUS Coriarius Ebionites, Scr. Eccl., , A.D. 2-3
THEOGNOSTUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 3
THEONAS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 3-4
THEOPHILUS et NARCISSUS, Scr. Eccl., Hierosolymitanus (Narcissus), A.D. 2
THEOPHILUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 4
THEOPHYLACTUS, Scr. Eccl., Constantinopolitanus, A.D. 11-12
TIMOTHEUS AELURUS, Scr. Eccl., Alexandrinus, A.D. 5

Daniel Rian~o Rufilanchas
c. Santa Engracia 52, 7 dcha.

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