From: Rick H Duggin (rduggin@juno.com)
Date: Mon Dec 22 1997 - 15:18:03 EST

I have enjoyed lurking on b-greek for more than
two years, and have learned a lot from this list.

I have a question concerning XWREW, especially
as it is used in 2 Pt.3:9.

The basic meaning of the word appears to be
"make room, give way" (Bauer). While some passages
seem to require the translation "go," or "reach," or
"come," (e.g., Mt.15:17), others may be translated
"have room for, hold, contain" (Mk.2:2; Jn.2:6; Jn.21:25).

Some sources suggest that XWREW may be
translated "to make room, to have room for," (e.g.,
Reinecker-Rogers, A.T.Robertson's Word Pictures,
et al.).

Is it likely that XWREW has this meaning in
2 Pt.3:9?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Rick Duggin

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