Re: Quotations of Ecclesiates in the NT

From: Perry L. Stepp (
Date: Mon Jan 05 1998 - 18:42:33 EST

> From: Jonathan Robie <>
> To:

> At 10:53 AM 1/6/98 -0800, David B. Gowler wrote:

> >Take a look at the third appendix in the Nestle-Aland GNT for a quick
> >reference. It lists 13 possible quotations.

As the good Dr. Gowler doesn't seem to have sent the material in question
to the list, (and as many on the list are using UBS editions), let me post
what the 3rd appendix of my NA27 list for quotations/allusions to
Ecclesiastes in the NT. The first column is the citation from
Ecclesiastes, the second the NT passage. I have "translated" the German
abbreviations (I hope correctly!) The appendix lists one direct quotation
and twelve allusions (in the judgement of the editor/editors of the

1.2 Rom 8.20

3.4 Mt 11.17

5.1 Mt 6.7, James 1.19

5.7 Col 4.1

5.14 1 Tim 6.7

7.9 James 1.19

7.20 Rom 3.10 (italicized, indicating a quotation)

8.15 Lk 12.19

9.7 Acts 2.46

9.8 Mt 6.17

11.5 Jn 3.8

12.14 2 Cor 5.10


Grace and peace,


Perry L. Stepp

Pastor, DeSoto Christian Church, DeSoto TX
Ph.D. candidate in New Testament, Baylor University
Keeper of the Top-10 List,
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