Re: Quotations of Ecclesiates in the NT

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Tue Jan 06 1998 - 15:26:19 EST

The list given from NA27 is below:

>1.2 Rom 8.20
>3.4 Mt 11.17
>5.1 Mt 6.7, James 1.19
>5.7 Col 4.1
>5.14 1 Tim 6.7 [given in UBS1 & 2 as Ecc 5:15]
>7.9 James 1.19
>7.20 Rom 3.10 (italicized, indicating a quotation)
>8.15 Lk 12.19
>9.7 Acts 2.46
>9.8 Mt 6.17
>11.5 Jn 3.8
>12.14 2 Cor 5.10

I have 4 of the five published editions of UBS lined up by my desk. Ed. 1
& 2 have six of the 13 verses listed above. (note: the lists in eds. 1 & 2
are much longer than the lists in ed. 3). Eds. 3 and 3 corrected have no
references to Eccles. at all. I think Ed. 4 either goes back to the list
in eds. 1 & 2 or goes with the NA list. I do not have ed. 4 with me. I
have always used the apparatus in the NA, so when the texts was made the
same, I seldom ever use the UBS any more.

The raw material for dealing with the question of quotes, allusions to the
OT in the NT is readily available in Bratcher, ed. OT Quotations in the NT.
I use that often. My main object is to determine if the OT text influenced
the writer in the choice of words in the text in the NT. Secondary
questions are important, (quoting from memory, diff. textual traditions,
translations, etc.) Most of the time it is a judgment call and unlike some
refs. I always reserve the right to change my mind.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Prof. Religion
Louisisna College
Pineville, LA 71360
Ph. 318 487 7241

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