OT quotes in NT

From: Jim West (jwest@highland.net)
Date: Tue Jan 06 1998 - 15:32:03 EST

The recent discussion on what factors editors used to determine whether a
text was alluded to or quoted by a NT author reminded me that when I did my
ThM work (now lo these many years ago), my thesis topic was just that-
explicit quotations of Isaiah in the Gospel of John. (They are now making
it into a movie, with Tom Cruise playing me) :)

At any rate, during my research I had occasion to communicate with Kurt
Aland, who graciously conceded to help me with certain questions. I still
have the letter in which he explained how choices were made and would
photocopy it for any interested person (though I am not interested in making
it web available).
It is, as you might guess, in German.


Jim West


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